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I kind of gave up on this part altogether. Sorry (throws fan-fiction into the air and runs away).


"I did a pregnancy test," Ace says to Marco. The sudden silence in the room is palpable, the line of Marco's brows drawing together in a slow moment of confusion. 

"That's... why- what happened?" Marco squints at Ace like he's seeing a new man, and Ace takes a brief moment to mentally applause himself for being so brilliant. Marco's so gullible when he gets like this, how could Ace not take advantage of the occasion?

 Ace makes a deep, audible breath and closes his eyes, unwilling to let the well of laughter that was boiling inside of him to ruin his plans. He pretends to hesitantly open his eyes, a few stray tears leaking out. "W-well, it's sort of complicated-."

"Whatever it is, I'll support both you and the baby," Marco cuts him off with wild, dilated eyes and flushed cheeks, ruining Marco's effort in his solemn vow to support Ace. Ace is choking on his tongue, absolutely thrilled with this twist of events, but then Marco's hands come up to slap both of his cheeks and Ace thinks he's actually starting to choke.

 "Spit it up, you can't leave the baby in there, Ace!" Marco's saying as he's trying to pry open Ace's jaw. Ace's unadulterated joy sharply drops him into full shark-infested panic because what the fucking hell, Marco! 

"Ah, Nooo!!! The baby can't go to hell!" Marco sobs with full-out abandon, crushing Ace's airway as he uses his full strength to smother Ace against his chest. Laughter resounds through the room from the rest of their audience, and Ace can hear Thatch howling and banging his fist on a table. 

 Ace is furiously cursing himself for accepting a bet from Haruta. In the long-run, he probably should have foreseen that Marco would be a terrible drunk. A terribly strong drunk, Ace feels like he'll pass out if Marco doesn't let up soon!

 Marco does let Ace go, much to his relief, but he instantly grabs a hold of Ace's head to clash their foreheads together. It doesn't hurt, but Ace instinctively winces. He can still hear the rest of his crew-mates laughing at the two of them, and Ace can feel all the blood in his head rushing to the soles of his feet.

"Hey," Marco whispers (not so silently), "Now that we're having a baby, I have something to tell you."

There are whistles in the background, but Ace's mind is fully blanking out on the 'we' part of that sentence. "Wait, hold on-."

"I just really," Marco flicks his tongue against Ace's lips, "like you."

 Time seems to freeze, and Ace slowly begins to realize the way Marco's drunk, blue eyes are looking at him. All the blood in his feet seems to race back into his chest, and Ace has to catch his breath as heart begins to pick up speed.

"I-," but Marco's lips are slamming back against his, peppering Ace's lips with warm, open-mouthed kisses. Ace's head grows dizzy with pleasure, sinking into Marco's kisses with reckless abandon. The background noise begins to fade away, and spots dance across his vision.

 When Ace wakes up, a frightening presence is looming over him. Or tied to him, Ace realizes, wriggling against Marco only to discover that he was securely attached to the man. His heart stutters to a stop, when Marco's cold and- oops, sober gaze, eyes Ace up and down. They land on Ace's lips and Ace abruptly remembers just exactly what they were doing beforehand.

Marco smiles eerily, sending chills (not the good kind) down Ace's spine. "You have three seconds to explain, punk." 

A punk instead of a yoi was not good. Not a good sign, not at all. Ace takes a deep breath, fumbling in his mind for an excuse, any excuse-

"I'm pregnant."

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