Breaking the Walls Down

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Title: Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)

Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace being a silly and mushy couple together (because I'm that cheesy) whether pertaining to canon or AU. Marco and Ace break the 4th wall.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: Panic attacks and character anxiety

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them.

Notes: I also made this out of a writing prompt? This time it gave me my first line of dialogue. I'm kind of trying to explore characters more? I'm probably going to do some more writing prompts from now on, they're pretty fun :)


 "If we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything." Marco says to him with such conviction, Ace almost believes him. 

 He's trembling, quaking in his boots, and his fingers feel numb. He feels as though he's been watching everything from the sidelines, a far cry away from the situation they've found themselves in. Marco keeps rubbing his hands down and up his arms, trying to give him some semblance of comfort, but Ace can't concentrate on anything at the moment.

 "Stick, to the s-story?!" Ace says, and he's vaguely aware that he's hyperventilating. "If we- if I stick to the story, I'm just going to d-die! Again! Please, I can't...." He doesn't want to see the tears falling down his little brother's face, his smiling little brother's face torn in both shock and absolute heartbreak. He doesn't want to smell his burning flesh or feel the splicing pain that shoots throughout his entire torso-

 "Breathe, calm down, Ace," Marco says worriedly, and when Ace looks into his eyes, crinkled with worry and desperation, he realizes Marco is scared too. Marco's hand is splayed out against his chest, and he's staring at Ace with grief.

"Look, I-I know it seems pretty bad right now, but we don't have a choice. If they find out that we've broken the formula...." Neither one of them knew what would happen, but they knew that some way or another, they'd be brainwashed back into mindless characters.

 "This is so messed up," Ace thinks aloud. He thought he knew who he was, but now, he's not so sure. If someone else had written every part of him into his being, then what part of him was actually him?

"We'll figure this out," Marco reassures, whether he's reassuring himself or Ace, he's not so sure. "As long as the author doesn't find out that we've become sentient, we have a chance of escape. Maybe we can even break everyone else free." Marco heaves out a long breath, both of them have a daunting task before them. It's unlikely they'll succeed.

Ace grabs Marco's hand giving it a squeeze. Marco holds his hand back tight, almost painstakingly so. Marco can barely believe Ace is even alive, neither can Ace.

Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)Where stories live. Discover now