Love is in the air (yeet)

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Title: Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)

Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace being a silly and mushy couple together (because I'm that cheesy) whether pertaining to canon or AU. Marco just wants to cuddle. Ace gives Marco a Valentines Day Gift, but Marco says no.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: Cussing? Sappyness? Too short?

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them.

Notes: I'm so sorry, it's been such a long time and this is all I have to offer you. Peace out?


"... I mean, I don't know what to say?" Marco says raising an eyebrow. It wasn't too unusual for Ace to do weird shit like this, but even for him there has to be some sort of line you don't cross, right?

"Don't you like my gift?" Ace almost sounds hurt. Marco knows better. It wasn't your generic Valentine's Day gift, it was actually more insulting than anything else. The most romantic day of the year and Ace's idea of a gift was... maybe Luffy helped pick it out?

Marco groans, covering his face with his hands in the hopes that, that thing on the bed would disappear. "Ace we don't need, nor can we provide the care for- for whatever's in there!"

Ace huffs, his cheeks blown up like some sort of (sexy) pufferfish. Ace was a fool if he thought Marco would fall for that. "But, Marco, I even did some research on how to take care of baby turkeys, I swear you won't regret it-,"

"It's too late for that, Ace," Marco covers Ace's mouth with his hand, even though Ace starts licking it. "Look, we are not nurturing and raising a baby turkey. If we're going to take care of a baby, let's adopt a real one."

Ace stopped licking his hand, eyes wide in shock.

Marco chuckles, "Looks like I win this one, Happy Valentines Day. Take this thing back to wherever it came from, I have another surprise for later tonight." With that, Marco skipped away from Ace.

Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)Where stories live. Discover now