Fortune Sandwich

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Title: Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)

Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace being a silly and mushy couple together (because I'm that cheesy) whether pertaining to canon or AU. Ace gets a fortune sandwich with a warning.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: Sillyness, shortness, fortune-telling

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them.

Notes: I made this out of a writing prompt. It gave me three nouns: fortune, sandwich, and planet.


 "Hey Marco?" Ace asks out of the blue, startling him. 

 Pausing in mid-type, Marco turns back to look at Ace who has a hefty amount of subway sandwiches stuffed into a box besides him. "I hope you're planning on washing the sheets later, I don't want to sleep with crumbs in my pants...." he drawled accusingly, eyeing the sandwiches with a vengeance. Ace hugged the box close to his chest, sensing a potential threat.

"What did sandwiches ever do to you?!" Ace says passionately.

"Everything." Marco bites back bluntly. "Clean the sheets after you eat those."

 Ace rolls his eyes childishly, huffing in indignance. "I know birdbrain, forbid I dare get crumbs on his majesty's sheets."

Marco stares back at him, unimpressed.

 "I'll wash the sheets later, just- take a look at this, would ya?" Ace whines.

Marco's only the slightest bit curious as to what has garnered his attention, but he's more partial to finishing this draft before his deadline hits him. Which is why he decides to procrastinate, and rolls over to the bed in his rolly chair to find out what Ace wants to show him.

He was not expecting the greasy version of the fortune cookie.

"What is this?" Marco asks, and he knows his eyebrows have raised to astounding heights because of the way Ace looks back at him with mirth dancing in the crinkles of his smile.

"I found it in my sandwich..." Ace trails off, his eyes narrowing; suddenly, seeming to remember said sandwich that he had set aside, he once again starts tearing into it with a vigorous hunger that only a select few had. Marco comforts himself with the fact that Ace's little brother is way worse.

 Marco incredulously reads aloud, "Beware, his hunger will not be sated until he eats human flesh, the planet is doomed?" For real? What cosmic joke is the universe playing on him?

Marco looks back at his boyfriend, realizing that he's started to lazily chew on his arm. His eye twitches.

Screw fortune-telling.

Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)Where stories live. Discover now