Bleeding Roses

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Notes: For this one, I'm imagining they're both on the younger side. It's funny, I actually wrote this last December but kept revising it and eventually forgot about it. On that note, I know it's been a while. Updates will probably stay the way they are right now, sporadic and few and far between. Partly because I've moved on to other fandoms and ships that I really like, and also because I accidentally deleted all my One Piece drafts on my phone. I had so many guys. So many. Like, at least thirty. Luckily, I'd already saved this one on Wattpad, so yeah. However, I would like to make one more update in honor of the holiday season this year, but I have finals and stuff so yeah, we'll see on that one :'D 

I know there a probably a couple people out there who've been waiting for an update for a long time, srry it's been so long, cough cough. This chapter is literally for you. I see your update list, and I'm not immune to it. I'm literally weak. Also, side note, blood is mentioned in this chapter. Just a warning in case that triggers anybody. It's not like, a super sad chapter though? It's more like two dummies who will probably slow burn their romance well into adulthood lol. 


"...Do you like roses?" Bright silver eyes stare expectantly at him. 

 Marco sneezes miserably, wrapping his arms around himself in an effort to keep warm. It had little effect, unfortunately. He forgot to put on his jacket earlier, which he obviously regrets now. The transition from Summer to Autumn had been more subtle than he realized. It's not like he goes out at night a lot, which is why he hadn't realized it'd be absolutely freezing. He's not really sure why Ace insisted on Marco meeting him out here when all Ace wants to do is talk about flowers. Marco just wants to go back home and throw a blanket over his head. And possibly stay there for the rest of Winter. If Autumn's this cold, he doesn't want to exist until Spring comes back. 

"Not really," Marco says grumpily. He notices with slight envy that Ace doesn't look the slightest bit cold in his fur. If Ace was in his human form, he'd probably be freezing his tails off! Marco could barely convince Ace to wear a shirt into town half the time, never mind shoes. 

Even in his kitsune form, Marco can still see Ace's deep frown in the curve of his brows and in the way his ears lay flat against his head. Marco wonders if they're as soft as they look. His attention is drawn to Ace's two tails, swinging around in an agitated manner. They're probably good as a blanket. Or his dog, Stephan. 

Marco blinks tiredly at Ace, "What did you want to show me again? It's really cold out here, flame head."

"Oi!" Ace yelps, the fur on his head indeed lighting up in flames, "I don't wanna hear that from you, baldy! And it's not like I'm the only one of us who lights up on fire..."

"Well yeah, no duh, but at least I can control my flames," Marco smirks. 

Ace pouts, or at least Marco assumes he is. It's a little harder to determine Ace's facial expressions when he's a fox.

Feeling a little more alert, Marco observes his friend a little closer. He hadn't noticed before, but Ace's paws are bloody, easily visible with his new winter coat coming in. "Were you hunting earlier?"

Ace freezes. "Uh... yes?"

"You don't sound too sure about that." Marco leans down to lift Ace's paws up. Ace yelps, in pain this time, and tries to scrabble away. "Oh no you don't, Ace were you picking fucking roses? Is that why you have thorns in your paws?"

"Why do you care!" Ace growls. "You don't like roses anyway!"

"Because you're my friend, yoi. And what does liking roses have to do with anything? It's not like I hate them, I'm just cold and want to go inside. You're coming with me, no excuses. You look like you hugged a cactus and you're getting medical attention."

Ace grumbles, biting Marco's arms with his baby fangs when Marco picks him up off the ground. Which absolutely don't hurt, at all. Because they're tiny and Marco would never be intimidated by Ace's tiny baby fangs. Marco's surprised Ace let him pick him up at all, honestly. It's been slow progress so far, trying to get Ace to meet Pops. They'll get there eventually though. 

And when Marco picks up a bloody white rose off the ground, he just sighs. A dumbass. A bloody, reckless, and adorable dumbass. How did Ace even find roses in Autumn anyway?

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