Chapter 35

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3rd Person Pov

In Lu Jian Min Mansion

It's already 1day now after Wang Yibo's confession. Wang Yibo becomes extra possessive and taking more care of Xiao Zhan now. Tomorrow Xiao Zhan's leg plaster going to open. Then three days later their marriage.

It's already 9am now. Wang Yibo already here at Xiao Zhan's house. He is in Xiao Zhan's room right now.
Crystal Zhang already sent breakfast to Xiao Zhan's room. But in the dining room Zhuo Cheng is making chaos.

"Mom why they are still in their room?? What they are still doing in room?? Asked them to come down. Now.. And Xiao Zhan sleep till late in the morning. Why Yibo is here at early in the morning??" Zhuo Cheng asked irritatedly.

"God... What should I do with you idiot?? Go call Zoey and asked what they are doing.. You are such a whiney kid..." Crystal Zhang said while rolling her eye.

"Mom... Why you are saying like this?? I am not whiney kid. Xiao Zhan is whiney kid. You know what...." Crystal Zhang cut him.

"Go away before I kick you out.. You whiney kid..." Crystal Zhang again said to irritate more Zhuo Cheng.

"Fine.. I am going...." Zhuo Cheng leave from there after saying this.

"My idiot son..." Crystal Zhang mumble and start doing her work again.

In Xiao Zhan's Room

"Umm.. Yi... Yibo.. Leave me..." Xiao Zhan keep mumbling things.

As he is hungry too much now. Wang Yibo comes there at 8am. And he made awake Xiao Zhan by his wet kisses. He was keep kissing him. He brought him chocolate. He finished all chocolate really difficulty. Because Wang Yibo was keep kissing him. When he was eating chocolate. Xiao Zhan finally breaks kiss.

"Yiboooo... I am hungry..." Xiao Zhan yelled.

"I know baby.. I am hungry too..." By saying this Wang Yibo again start kissing him.

"Oh God.. Not hungry for kiss..." Xiao Zhan thought and cry in his mind.

On the other hand. Wang Yibo keep kissing him passionately. Exploring in his mouth by his tongue. Yibo start sucking his neck.


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"Yibo.. Yibo.. I am hungry for breakfast... Aaahhh.. Let me eat...." Xiao Zhan whine now.

Wang Yibo stop sucking his neck. And look at him in disbelief.

"Xiao Zhan.. You just finished full chocolate box. You didn't even share with me. Now you are saying you are hungry???" Wang Yibo asked.

"Whatever... I am hungry.. Feed me now... And eat your breakfast too..." Xiao Zhan said.

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