Chapter 36

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3rd Person Pov

In Ha Peng Mansion

"Ha Peng... Just listen to me... I am not saying they are innocent. They are not innocent I know it and you know it very well too.. But what Shen Xiao Hai said we can't ignore it. Right? We should have find out about it. Maybe there is another theory too....." Zhang Bai Jia is trying to make understand Ha Peng about what Shen Xiao Hai said.

"He just said he had twin too. And now you are dancing about that topic. End of discussion. I don't want to find out anything. I will kill him and destroy their happiness that's my target. Nothing else..." Ha Peng scream.

"Why I got a feeling that you are becoming really evil... Ha Peng don't let your soul become evil too. Otherwise you won't ever find a way to come back..." Zhang Bai Jia said this in helpless gaze.

"I don't want to hear your lecture.. If you...." Zhang Bai Jia cut him.

"Ok I won't say anything about that topic.. But I have a request for you. As your twin. I want to beg you about something. Don't create any mess in Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan marriage please..." Zhang Bai Jia pleaded.


For the first time Ha Peng yelled his twin. Zhang Bai Jia taken aback. Still composed herself. She knew his reaction will be like this.

"I don't... My soul fully didn't become dark yet. That boy Xiao Zhan has suffered a lot. I don't know about other two families. I only know about Shen Xiao Hai and Lu Jian Min family really well. In those family Xiao Zhan is really innocent.... Anyway... I am begging you... Want me to kneel and beg you?? OK I will do that...." By saying this Zhang Bai Jia about to kneel.

"Stop...." Ha Peng stop her immediately.

"This is the for the first and last time... Never ever beg for them in front me. If you did... I will forget that you are my sister...." Ha Peng said calmly.

"Ok..." By saying this Zhang Bai Jia left from there.

"What your heart is feeling Jia...?? Why you are acting strange..?? Why for the first time I am not able to understand your feelings?? If you are having any sympathy for them.. Trust me I will forget you are my sister. Because my revenge is everything for me..." Ha Peng mumble himself.

Zhang Bai Jia come inside her car. And start her car. She was driving her car. But she suddenly stop her car in front a shopping mall. There was a man who is picking up his daughter and make her sit on his shoulder.

"For the first time I am feeling.... I wish I had a family....." Zhang Bai Jia mumble herself.

Back to Ha Peng Mansion. Ha Peng left for his office. His one servant notice it. Then call someone.

"Yes sir that's all happened... Zhang Bai Jia ma'am was talking like this with Ha Peng sir..." That servant tell everything about Ha Peng and Zhang Bai Jia's conversion to Zhu Zan Jin.

As Zhu Zan Jin is in Changsha now. So that servant is giving him all information. Whenever he comes out from Beijing that servant gives him all information about this twins.

"You did great. Your this month paycheck you will get soon..." By saying this Zhu Zan Jin cut the call.


In Empark Grand Hotel Changsha

"I won't blame you Zhang Bai Jia. You are Shen Xiao Hai's daughter. In between you and Ha Peng you become like him... A soft heart daughter from a soft heart father..." Zhu Zan Jin chuckle by saying this.

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