Chapter 47

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Tadaa.. I am here again 🙋‍♀️. My exam get cancel. That's why I am writing this chapter. And guys I am sorry I didn't add pictures here. Because it was all sudden I start writing so I didn't have much time to find pictures. Now enjoy ♥️🎉


3rd Person Pov

"Seriously?? Why this phone have to die now? How I am going to call Yibo now? And these guards why they aren't letting me in.. So irritating..." Xiao Zhan whine in frustration and massage his temple.

Xiao Zhan still didn't get it what's exactly happening around him. Everyone already gone inside. He is the one who only left outside with those grumpy guards. Who are doesn't letting him go inside. Xiao Zhan start thinking how to go inside or call Wang Yibo.

"I really don't understand one thing.. Carman mom just get me this new phone few days ago. Then how come this much people know my number? I mean not one or two but maybe 7/8 unknown numbers were keep calling me.. So irritating...." Xiao Zhan mumbled and ruffled his hair by his hand.

"Wait...." Xiao Zhan whisper himself.


"There is no way... I mean.. No one knows my number expect my family... Then how... And... Inside.... Yibo is alone... That girl.... Is also with him inside... My nightmare..." Xiao Zhan weakly mumbled. He finally realise something.


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"Mom.. Where are you??" Xiao Zhan's eyes become teary. He cover his mouth by his palm.

He turn back

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He turn back. See those two guards still standing there. He don't know where to go and ask help. He should first inform his family. But the question is how?

"Umm.." Xiao Zhan goes near to those guards. He clear his voice to catch attention those guards who were talking with each other.

"What?" One guard harshly asked.

"Can I use your phone? Please?" Xiao Zhan asked.

Xiao Zhan didn't have any intention to asked their help. But he asked it to confirm it's a trapped or not. Those guards look each other and give each other a look. Then look back at Xiao Zhan.

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