Chapter 10

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3rd Person Pov

It was already 12:30pm. Xiao Zhan still didn't wake up yet. Wang Yibo just walking around the room. And keep checking him. If he is waking up or not. He is in too much tension. After few minutes later. Xiao Zhan wake up slowly.

"Hey it's ok. Slowly get up. Take your time." Yibo said that while making Xiao Zhan sit properly.

"Oh.. Am I dreaming Wang Yibo taking care of me?" Xiao Zhan asked teasingly.

"If you say anything to irritate me. I swear I will beat you in this situation." Yibo said angrily.

"Sorry. Sorry. I won't say anything. But Yibo it's already 12:30pm. I am hungry. And we didn't go out yet. I wanna buy some toys. And there is a clear jungle beside this hotel. I wanna go there too." Xiao Zhan whine.

"Stop whining. Why you whine always?? God. You were quiet while sleeping. Now start whining again." Yibo replied while rolling his eyes.

"OK.. OK stop talking. I am going to join Mianmian. Are you going to join Yubin?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Stop right there you idiot. Mianmian is with her boyfriend. Yubin with Emily. What you want to do?? Go and join with them? Won't it become awkward?" Yibo replied.

"I didn't think about this before. Thennnn let's go together. Let's go together. Yayyy. You are gonna pay for whatever I am gonna buy or eat." Xiao Zhan replied in excitement.

"Shut up. And let's go." Yibo replied.

"Yibo. Did mom called when I was senseless?" Xiao Zhan asked while existing from their room.

"No. She didn't call yet. But you.... What are you doing here? How do you know this is our room??" Yibo was talking but suddenly stop and snap at unknown person.

"Umm.. I didn't know this your room. I just stay over that room. But anyway hey how are you now? You faint..." That unknown person about to continue talking with Xiao Zhan but Yibo cut him.

"Shut the fuck up. Go away. And trust me. If I see you again. What I will do with you can't even imagine." Yibo threatened him.

"Yibo... Why you are talking like...." Before Xiao Zhan complete his sentence Yibo drag him out.

"Yibo.. Yibo who was that?? Why you are angry? And lose your grip. You are hurting me." Xiao Zhan said.

"Shut up. And why you want to know who is he? Do you like him already?" Yibo snap at him.

"Seriously? I don't even know him. Why I should like him??" Xiao Zhan asked him in disbelief.

"Whatever... Don't ask anything about him." Yibo replied.

"OK.. OK. I won't. Now lose your grip." Xiao Zhan whine.

"Xiao Zhan. I am gonna leave your hand. But if you go anywhere without saying anything or go into any trouble. I will beat you too much. Remember it." Yibo replied.

"I won't do anything. Now leave me." Xiao Zhan said.

After eating their lunch. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo go for roaming around. Whatever Xiao Zhan brought. Yibo has to pay for it. From cotton candy to so many toys. Some gifts for his mother Yibo's mother and his sister. Yibo has to pay for it.

"Yibo. Yibo lets go there." he pointed to the jungle. It was clear jungle. They could go in there and come out easily.

"No.. Means no." Yibo replied.

"No.. You mean no. Then...." Xiao Zhan didn't complete his sentence but run from there.

"Xiao Zhan. Stop. Stop right there. Right now." Yibo scream.

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