Chapter 43

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This chapter is just about YiZhan. How Wang Yibo is going to find Xiao Zhan and their reunion romance. Enjoy ♥️


3rd Person Pov

"Yibo... Yibo... Wake up..." Crystal Zhang scream and run to Wang Yibo including everyone. Start shaking him with her hand.

When Wang Yibo tripped in the road he again got hit by a stone. He start bleeding this time.

"Driver take car over here fast..." Carman Lee shout.

They immediately put Wang Yibo in the car. His head was in Carman Lee's lap all the time. She start caressing his head slowly. No can tell Carman Lee was crying or not because of soak by rain water. It's invisible if she is crying or not. But her eyes were red. 25 minutes later they finally reach to the hospital.

After examining for 1 hours and band aiding Wang Yibo's foreword. Doctor finally come out from that ward. Wang Yibo's family members immediately go near to the doctor.

"Is.. He.. My son.. Is he ok?" Carman Lee asked while clearing her cracking voice.

"He is ok ma'am. But he got hit two times in his head. And because of rain he get fever. He will wake up soon... Maybe it will take little bit time..." The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor..." Shen Xiao Hai said.

"It's my duty.. And you can go inside now.. Not all together. But one by one..." The doctor said and left from there.

"Lee..... Don't you think it's time to stop..." Shen Xiao Hai about to say more Carman Lee cut him.

"My decision not going to change..." By saying this she enter in the ward to see Wang Yibo.

"Like mother, like son.. All stubborn.. What even I am doing here?" Shen Xiao Hai said frustratedly.

"It's ok.. Give them some time everything will be fine..." Crystal Zhang said.

"Just hope that.. They don't hurt each other deeply for their stubbornness..." James Huang said.

It's been one day now. Wang Yibo still didn't regain his sense. He is still unconscious in the hospital.

Second day it was 9am. Shen Xiao Hai family brought Wang Yibo back to home. Their private doctor and nurses are going take care of him from now.

Its 3pm now. One nurse was checking Wang Yibo's pulse. It was same as usual. She takes break for few minutes. And leave the room. Wang Yibo's father already in office. And Carman Lee was doing some work in her room.

After 20 minutes later that nurse come back. When she open the door about to enter. She was shocked. She sees Wang Yibo sitting in the bed and crying. Seeing that nurse here. Wang Yibo turn his face left side. Wipe his tears harshly.

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