Chapter 48

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OK I am here again to irritate you all. Read till the end YiZhan is there 😏😏.. And Huang Jingyu and Xu Weizhou's wedding. Enjoy ♥️


3rd Person Pov

In WangZhan Mansion

Wang Yibo's heartbeat increase because of Xiao Zhan's one word. "Killer" this is the last thing he wants to hear in his life from Xiao Zhan mouth. What he heard he still can't believe in his ears. Two minutes passed. No one utter a single word. "Killer" this word, still making Wang Yibo's heavy head more heavier.

Wang Yibo softly touch the door. He can feel it Xiao Zhan sitting in front the door from other side. He put his on the door. Tears  rolled down from Wang Yibo's eyes.

"Baby... Please.. Don't be like this... Please I am begging you..." Wang Yibo said with his cracking voice.

"Come out... Please.." Wang Yibo said again.

"Yibo... I shot her in mi..." Xiao Zhan stopped talking because it's remind him that scene. He close his eyes tightly some tears come out from his eyes and open his eyes again.

"It's ok.. You know.. Baby she did wrong...." Xiao Zhan cut Wang Yibo.

"In the middle of her head... Her  forehead.. I.. I don't know what caught me that time.. She looks so different.. I tried to make her understand... She didn't listen to me Yibo... She didn't... She didn't...." By saying this Xiao Zhan start crying loudly.

"Please,please I am begging you.. Please don't cry. Stop crying please... This is the only thing... I can't tolerate. Your tears... My wife, my Juliet, my Xiao Zhan, my everything... I am telling you... You didn't do anything wrong. Baby please open the door... Stop crying...." Wang Yibo said desperately.

There is too much desperation in his voice. He don't want to see Xiao Zhan like this. He couldn't able to protect Xiao Zhan last night. This guilt and now Xiao Zhan's this condition all things making Wang Yibo's heart miserable.

Xiao Zhan wipe his tears. He again start looking at the photo frame. He don't know what he was doing. He also don't know should he feels guilty or not. But that girl's scream, tears, talk, blood everything was making him feel guilty. Making him look like he is a murderer.

"It was.. All mess... Blood everywhere..." Xiao Zhan mumbled.

"Yibo... Leave me alone for sometime... Please... I will be fine... I need some time alone. I.. I promise I will be fine. Just few times alone..." Xiao Zhan said.

Wang Yibo become quiet. He stare at the door dumbfoundedly. How dare he is asking for leave him alone? Wang Yibo's heart stop beating for a second. He can't live without seeing Xiao for one minute. And he is asking him to leave him alone for few times?

"But..." Xiao Zhan cut him.

"Please?" Xiao Zhan pleaded again.

"Ok..." Wang Yibo answer.

"Go to our room. Fresh up and eat something.. And take those headache pills too those are still in the bed side table..." Xiao Zhan said.

"Hmm..." Wang Yibo hummed.

Wang Yibo sit there properly in front the door without making any noises. Xiao Zhan moved from there he felt it by his moving sounds.

"I can give you every permission... But I can't give you that kind of permission where you are going to hide yourself from me... Never ever and ever.... I will give you permission to fly.. But you won't even know you will be flying into just Wang Yibo's sky.... I won't listen your any this kind of requests. Where you want to separate yourself from me..." Wang Yibo thought himself while ruffling his hairs roughly.

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