Chapter Seven: Thank You Gift

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You woke up, definitely feeling a lot better. You stretched and yawned, looking at the alarm clock. It was 6:03AM, A Monday. You sighed softly, before getting up to go to the kitchen.

"Good morning sweet heart. Are you feeling better? Kakyoin told me you weren't feeling to well yesterday." You grumbled, not being able to remember what really happened last night, just a few bits here and there. You surely remembered a boy, sleeping next to you, with his hands on your waist. You weren't sure who it was, but you felt safe. You blushed at the thought of it, sure that it was just a dream. You weren't the type to drool over boys, so it was quite odd to think of something like that.

You grabbed a tray, and some ingredients. "What are you making?" Hitomi asks. "I want to thank Kakyoin. Was Jotaro there too?"
"I'm sure of it, regardless, I suggest you give him some."
You made a small treat for them, which was cookies. You placed them in a bag, attempting to make it look nice. Your phone buzzed.

My beautiful H/C, I saw you collapse onto the floor yesterday. Even when you aren't well you look so gracious and beautiful, even when you smoke. I hope you are feeling well today.

Your eyes narrowed at the message, and groaning softly. You got dressed, draping the large coat on your shoulders like you always did. It was raining just as hard as it was yesterday, so you brought an umbrella downstairs. You ate Hitomi's breakfast she had made for you, said your good byes and walked out the door. You weren't sure what was happening, but ever since Kakyoin entered your life, you felt less... Violent. You were surprised that you even made a thank you gift for him and Jotaro.

You walk along the side walk, listening to the rain hit the ground. It was peaceful. You inhaled the cold air. You let out a small smile, hoping for a good day.

You finally reached the school premises, Greeting Jotaro and Kakyoin.
"Yo." You smirked softly at both of them. Jotaro grunts.
You grab the two goodie bags from your bag, handing it to both of them. "For you. I wanna thank you for yesterday. I feel slightly embarrassed.. To think someone would help me out like that. Tch.."
"Y/N-Chan, you know we care for you! Why would we not help you out? Thank you for this gift, though." Kakyoin says, his cheeks red, smiling. You Look away, a bit embarrassed.
"..Thanks." Jotaro mumbles, a bit flustered as well.

You quickly put your hands back in your pocket, looking down. You watched Kakyoin and Jotaro taking a bite out of a cookie, their eyes widening. Their facial expressions seemed genuine. You hear mumbles of the other male students, whispering, "I wish L/N-Chan would give me stuff like that.." "Yeah." You glanced back, and turned your head back at Kakyoin and Jotaro. It was silent for a while, only the sounds of loud rain hitting the ground.

Wanting to end the awkward silence, you sigh. "Do I have to explain?" You showed them your phone.
As always, their faces were full of disgust.
"Couldn't you just block them? Yare yare."
"I tried. Like 10 times. They keep changing their number."
The pink haired mumbles. "Wow."
The bell rings.. "I'll see you at lunch." You said. Before you could leave, Kakyoin holds his hands out, asking for a hug. You hesitate. "No."
"Oh c'mon! A hug won't hurt!"

He steps forward, hugging you tightly without your consent. Your cheeks reddened, and for some reason.. It was enjoyable. You refused to wrap your arms around his buff figure. You take a quick glance at Jotaro, who was staring at you, looks down, adjusting his cap. He looked upset. Kakyoin let go of you, smiling widely. "See ya!" He said, before strolling to class. You stared at him, still red as a tomato.
"Yare yare daze.."

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