No joy

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It's been a decade since Keith departed from earth, from his friends. From Lance.

The last time he could remember, their relationship was in shaky position. Lance was mad about him leaving earth. And Keith understand his frustration.

Since when he left, he didn't had the time to keep taps on everyone, hell he doesn't even know if they had family or not. Nothing! No word whatsoever from earth.

Keith sit in-front of giant window gazing at endless void that is space. He was starting to gone trough burnout, Black and purple colors and nothing, he may run into couple of planet and mercenaries. He was lonely. He's mom visited him sometimes but it's not as exciting as it was years ago. He misses his friends so much.

Maybe it's time for him to finally return home. His space ship lights up on its own, declaring that someone is in his den. Unknowingly he growls, as odd scent went trough his nose.

"Who's there?" He growled, the door slides open a man in a black skeleton mask, he had white hair and was muscular.

"Keith?!" A familiar yet so different voice chimed behind the mask.

"Shiro?" He stepped forward and hugged his older brother passionately.
Once done, Shiro backed away from him. He was old and went trough a lot. And his scent was... weird. It wasn't the same smell he remembered decades ago.

"What happened to you? Why you smells so... different"

"You been gone for so long Keith. I need you come back to earth!" He can hear desperation in his voice, sad and old voice that no longer gives inspirational speech or comfort him from horrible nightmare. No! It was a voice of someone who is drowning in regret and sorrow.

"I guess! So how is everyone?" Keith asked inviting his alpha brother to sit, but he declined.

"Well, not great!" Keith expected that could be the case. Shiro signs behind him " we need you back here Keith, there's been... a problem. And we can't solve it without you!" Shiro looked desperate, his eyes filled with sadness.

"You're in a treat Shiro! Cause i was planing to go back!" Keith felt happy, seeing Shiro was surprising, but at same time his friends were in trouble.

"Well, i'll see you then" Shiro tapped something on his wrist, and in a minute he dissolved into tin air. The moment Shiro dissolved Keith's whole body froze.

"The fuck?"
It took him days to finally reach earth's atmosphere. The earth was different than when he last saw it. It was gray dark and gloomy as if the whole life and light sucked out.

This alarmed Keith beyond the realization. No this was dreadful. The building that humanity have build for centuries were no longer standing, in fact it was no where to be seen.

He's ship landed on the boarder of America. He expected a lot of people and press to surround him, but no. No was there. Expect their hologram. A mass people of hologram.

He suddenly felt confused, gazing trough the people, he saw a woman in hologram approached him.

"Mr. Kogane. We're honored to finally have you here." She said, her voice lifeless and empty. Just like emotionless face.

There was no smell he was alone on the boarder, if it wasn't for the hologram, he could have think they forgot about him.

"Why are you not... here?" He slowly asked trying to understand the situation he was in. The woman nodded a little and smiled at him with hollow emotion "sir! I think you should talk to Vice President!" She leaned in and told him that Shiro of all people were in other side of boarder. Waiting for him.

He nodded and answers a couple of questions that press gave him, and quickly made his way for Shiro. When he turned around the press was no where to be seen. Its like they were never there.

He had to go there by foot, which was pleasant, it was long time since he went on walk.

He looked around the environment, tall buildings were no longer and was replaced by enormous mountains. The only human made invention was the solid road for car he was walking on.

When he finally reached the place it was only small cottage like facility built in high tech. He looked around the out side of the facility no one was there. Only cars and useless security rooms, that has been collecting dust. The place was lifeless.

The moment Keith placed his one foot, the whole place lights up. A robotic female voice chimed trough the facility loud.
"Keith Kogane. Welcome home!"
"Ok" he said in his amusement,
He went inside and as soon as he entered, his nose was filled with scent of people he doesn't recognize. Betas, Omegas and Alphas were everywhere running shuffling around, looking incredibly urgent. In the middle of the crowd he see familiar face.

"Shiro" he run up to Shiro and hugged him again. "I'm so glad you came!" He looked back at Shiro, his eyes were as same as he saw back at the ship. Regretful.

"What happened Shiro?"

"I think we should go to my office. You might wanna sit down!" Older alphas suggestion startled Keith. But he didn't ask, whatever he want or not, he will be getting an answers for his questions.

Once two brothers in the room. Keith quickly placed himself on the sofa. Shiro followed him after.

"Whats this all about. For almost a decade. No word from you or anyone. And now you suddenly appeared out of no where! Why?" He was curious, some people would say Keith was angry. But to be honest he was guilty for leaving them. He was the one who left, he shouldn't be angry at them for not looking for him.

Shiro didn't say anything or even move. But eventually he looked down on his foot, Shiro was still wearing his black mask as if he was glued to it. His eyes were watery and void full, Keith was worried for him.

"You see! Keith ever since you left, Lance had been... well lack of a better word! Unstable. He didn't listen anyone. He isolates himself, constantly had a nightmare. Me and Curtis had to keep on eye on him for every night because of it. He wasn't the same after you... left!" his eyes changes and now was looking like an anger. Keith waited for him to speak again. But nothing he just shakes his head went to his desk.
"Shiro, What happened? Is he ok?" Keith was worried about Lance now. he should go. Go to Lance. Apologies to him, beg him for forgiveness. Maybe he won't forgive him, but at least black rock that was stuck in his ribs for almost a decade could finally dissolve.

"Keith you should go, Lance might be waiting for you. Or maybe not! I never know what he's thinking these days" he sighed and not facing him.
Keith didn't say anything, the earth became lifeless and cold and just like it, the being that habitat this planet followed trough.

There was no joy. Empty

The moment you walk out that door, it's over for both of usWhere stories live. Discover now