Get Rid Of Kakashi "Novels"

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After (y/n) talk with Neji about his obsession with destiny, something changed in the young Hyuga. He stopped obsessing about his destiny and would use his time when he could to help train Hinata. Wanting to help her when he could. Not only that but he would stop obsessing overtraining as much. He would take time off either spending it with (y/n) or helping Hinata. (y/n) meanwhile was going more into research trying to figure out who Madara was. Even sneaking around trying to find any files she could. But nothing worthwhile and everything she looked at was from years back. Back to the time of the First Hokage. (y/n) had just closed another file only to find nothing. Why did Itachi mention his name if these files are correct he should be long dead by now. So why would Itachi mention his name she asked herself. After looking through another file. Before putting it to the side. After a while, she let out a sigh and decided to give up for the day. She stretched her arms and went to put the files back where they belonged before heading home. Now (y/n) would need to handle her newest mission GET RID OF KAKASHI'S NOVELS. The reason wasn't that she had anything against him reading them. He was an adult but reading them in front of minors who are naive or are too young wasn't acceptable. Worst-case scenario if a kid got ahold of it they might be exposed to something they didn't know. Even worst-case scenario they may be scarred for a while because of it. (y/n) had attempted this mission many times before all ending in failure. He always seemed to have an extra laying around. But no more today would be the day she would finally succeed. Kakashi was out drinking with Gai. And knowing both of them they will be out late. Giving her plenty of time to sneak in and get the "novels" and dispose of them. At least that was supposed to how it work out. But when (y/n) got home she found Kakashi sitting on the couch reading one of his "novels". "Uncle Kakashi I thought you were out drinking"

"Well, Gai challenged me to a fight. And I used a thousand years of death I thought he would dodge it. But I hit him and it landed him in the hospital"

"Damn", (y/n) cursed her plan would be ruined if he was home. Well at this point she couldn't go back. She quickly grabbed his "novel" before he could do anything. Tossing it out of the window before performing fire justu burning the "novel". And just as she did this Kakashi pulled out another from another hiding place. She grabbed the "novel" and kept doing it again and again. Yet he was able to keep pulling out "novels". (y/n) was getting frustrated. "Damn it how many copies of your "novels" do you even own", (y/n) asked getting more and more frustrated with every minute.

"I have enough copies that if I die I will have some in my coffin. Plus I preordered the newest book so that it will be delivered to my house. And I even have copies outside of the village ", Kakashi explained then smiled.

"Don't you anything else better to do besides reading your "novels". I don't know like get a life", she said.

"I have a life it's right here with you and this book. And I know what you are applying with that. This book isn't like that it is just a novel about adult men and women doing adult things", Kakashi said then smiled.

"Yes and that totally makes you reading your "novels" in front of minors justified", (y/n) exclaimed in a sarcastic voice. Before a smile came upon her face. She did the body flicker justu and came back with Neji.

"Why am I here", he asked not happy he had been grabbed randomly while he was eating.

"I need to borrow your byakugan for a bit. Can you find these books and tell me where they are", (y/n) asked before handing Neji a copy. "I suggest you don't read the contents for your own sake"

"Fine", he said before using his byakugan searching around the apartment telling (y/n) where each copy was. (y/n) tossed each out the window before doing a fire justu to have them burn up. Every so often she used a water justu to put out the flames. Kakashi had a panicked look on his face. He knew that if this kept up all of his books would be destroyed. He couldn't escape the Hyuga clan's byakugan. He decided the best thing to do at the time would be to run. He picked up another copy put it into his pocket and then ran with a fuming (y/n) running after him. Reminding him of Minato-sensei's wife Kushina and her anger. But right now that didn't matter all that did matter at the moment was that he got all of his "novels" out of (y/n) reach or she might just burn all of them. And stop hiding them in the house or else (y/n) would use Neji to find them all. (y/n) teated Neji in exchange for all his help. Neji grumbled but ate with no questions asked. Kakashi meanwhile was more careful with hiding his "novels" in the house and reading them in front of minors. Or at least reading them in front of (y/n).

A/N: I thought of a major rewrite of this chapter it needed it to be more kiddy friendly. More for the PG 13 audience I was aiming for. 

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