(y/n) and the jealous fangirls

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 Requested by LightningStrike971

(y/n) and Sasuke had grown closer over time. Especially after the truth of the Uchiha massacre was revealed. She and he would hang out when they weren't busy. She had been the first person besides his brother that Sasuke told that he loved Sakura. Even after  Sakura and Sasuke started to go out (y/n) and Sasuke still hung out often. They were like siblings then they were cousins. Sasuke thought of (y/n) like an older sister often confiding in her whenever he needed help. They would hang out whenever (y/n) needed someone to talk to. And she couldn't talk to Neji Itachi or Kakashi. Because through (y/n) loved Kakashi sometimes he could be a pervert or be too overprotective. Sasuke fangirls didn't know that through they just thought that (y/n) was trying to steal Sasuke from them. They were smart enough not to mess with her when Neji or Kakashi was around. For one they were scared of Kakashi. They are not the smartest people but they had heard of the rumors of Kakashi either from their older siblings or from their parents to dare to mess with him. Neji wasn't someone to mess they had heard enough rumors about him. Same for Itachi. They would often target (y/n) when they weren't around. Following her often to her and Kakashi's house. Trying to get something or anything on her. Unfortunately, they couldn't seem to get anything on her yet. One day they decided to trail her from the gates after her mission. Neji along with Kakashi had both been out of the leaf village. She was going to visit Itachi and Sasuke for some bonding time. She had been walking around toward where they lived when she thought she heard a sound. She quickly looked around to see nobody standing behind her. She continued to walk. After hearing the same sound a few more time (y/n) quickly waved a multiple shadow clone justu. Before using her clone to sneak up on the unsuspecting fangirls. She smiled a seemingly friendly smile but her eyes looked cold. "Mind telling me why you were following me", she asked the fangirls were at this point we're trying not to shit their pants. One brave fangirl looked (y/n) right in the eye.

"You're Sasuke fangirls right. I am assuming that you are jealous that Sasuke and I are closer. When you can't do anything but watch", (y/n) said with a fake smile on her face, her eyes stone cold through. (Something she had learned from Kakashi)

"We are tired of you being so close to Sasuke you witch. Sasuke is ours, not yours. Stay the heck away from him", the girl told (y/n). Only to get a friendly smile but still cold eyes.

"Would you mind saying that one more time? I couldn't seem to hear you?"

"You heard what I said you bitch"

(y/n) gave another fake smile. Another clone appeared behind all the girls all holding kunai. "Had this been a real mission? You would have blown your cover and be dead. Next time try to at least not to be obvious. If you try to follow me I will be reporting you. Consider this a warning. Next time I won't as nice", she said with a fake smile before lowing her kunai from their necks. The fangirls ran as quickly as they could knowing they had been caught. She is crazy they thought. Meanwhile (y/n) smiled to herself. I was getting pissed off because of them. Now I don't have to deal with them anymore she thought as she continued on her path. As the fangirls now knew better than to mess with her.


A/N: So everyone since this is the end I thought why not treat you all into a bit about me. Nothing to big that might reveal who I am but some basics and the origins of this story. So without further ado I present to you a look into this.

About Me

Anime Experience

My very first anime was Yu-gi-oh from 4Kids. But the first real anime I watched was Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal. But after seeing those I really didn't dive into anime not until a bit later. I am not sure how I found them but I found two animes Ouran High School Host Club and The Devil Part-Timer. I read what they were about and decided to watch both. I binged The Devil Part-Timer first then went onto Ouran High School Host Club. But I didn't get into fanfic because of those anime. No that was Naruto. Now you all might be surprised about this. But it took me two times to get into Naruto. The first time I watched it I got bored. But the second time I started on ep 2 instead of 1. From then on I got into Naruto. I started watching amvs about Naruto and the rest is history.

Fanfic Experience

As I stated before Naruto was the anime that got me into fanfic. In fact my first fanfic that I read was called Always and Forever by Always Thinking . Which was a story about Kakashi and Asami and what happens with them. I kept looking it up not know when the author might update. Until finally I got my own Quotev account and after that I started writing my own fanfic. I wrote my fanfic before I even started on this. I then proceeded to muti-task them when I started writing this. The rest is history.

Inspiration for (y/n)

I got the inspiration from by . I thought the design for her oc was interesting so I thought why not write my own. The rest became history

Overpowered (y/n)

I won't lie when I say that (y/n) is overpowered as crap. I mean she has this master plan on what to do with Itachi plus has the same IQ as Shikamaru. So it would make more sense when she figured out some of these things. Which little did I know make it easier to explain how she knew all of this. Especially when it came to the rewrite.


I thought the first draft of this fanfic was way better then the first draft of my Always Kakashi fanfic . But when I was doing my third rewrite for Always. After rewriting it towards the start of COVID only to come back to it months later. I thought why not rewrite this to? So I binged some of Naruto and muti-tasked between two fanfic and updated as well. Trying to keep in the chapter limits so I wouldn't add any chapters and start getting the votes from the start. Now during this rewrite I made sure it make more sense when (y/n) did by the end. First by making Itachi and Shisui being closer to her then in the first draft. Even adding a chapter when Itachi told her what happened. So it would make sense when (y/n) knew about the moles and even suggested for Sasuke to be a mole by the end. Plus I added more of a story for her and Neji and not making it this sudden thing like I did in the first write. I made some involving her with the Naruto gang and causing trouble for Kakashi. All kinda of things to make this way more fun to read and add a more campy feel with some plot that made sense in this. After that the rest of it is history for the rewrite.

The Difference From Then and Now

Alot of things has changed since I started writing this. First from the amount of anime I have seen. I know I have said that during the time I first wrote this that I wasn't really exposed to alot of anime. Yet now I have seen way more anime. Plus their is the fact that I write way less fanfic. Both my Wattpad and Quotev being full of drafts of potential stories. The anime I have watched recently I have had no problems with. Well except for Sk8. Where I was inspired enough to write MatchaBlossom one shots. But that is a different tale besides that I haven't watched anything that made me feel either angry enough or inspired enough to change anything in it.  Which is in a way kinda of a good thing. Or that could just be apart of growing out of the early stages of watching anime who is to say? Either way I am overjoyed that this work reached 1,000 votes since I first wrote this. Seriously when I first released this I never thought it would get to that number of votes. It felt as if I would never reach it. But now that I have I am happy that it reached that and I am grateful for all of you readers and the ones who votes. Now it coming near to the end of the about me. 

Final Thoughts and Thanks

As I look back at this fanfic it makes me feel something. I mean when I first wrote this. I was barely into anime. Now here I am an anime otaku. I have far more knowledge of anime from when I started this. Plus I grew out of Naruto something I never thought would happen yet it did. I won't disclaim Naruto after all it got me into fanfic and started my fanfic writing. But I can't say it was as good as I initial thought it was. If I had to rate both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. I would rate Naruto 8.5/10 and Naruto Shippuden 7/10. That is excluding the filler some which I still enjoy to this day. Especially the reveal Kakashi ones. Hence I wrote a chapter about it because I thought it would be fun. Now I must say it is time to say good bye. But before I do I want to thank you for everything especially those who have stuck with me from the first draft thanks for everything. Other then that I must say goodbye.



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