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Not long after Kakashi's true face had been revealed to his surprise it blew up. Copies had been disturbed around the village. Now Kakashi was got cornered by the women of the leaf. Even getting love confessions and asked out. Because of this, he had grown even more popular. Besides, those things returned to normal. Naruto and Sasuke still fought over everything. Nothing changed really. Well until the day everything would come to light.

(y/n) had gone to visit her father's grave. Kakashi had been on a mission and (y/n) felt it was time to visit his grave. She even brought flowers to the grave. She sat down on the grass in front of the grave. Telling her father everything that had happened in her life. From what happened after he died, the Uchiha Massacre, Itachi visiting her, her dating Neji, and everything else that was going on. She had just finished and went to the center to pay her respects when a Danzo walked up to her. "(y/n) Uchiha correct?"

"Lord Danzo what are you doing here", she asked trying not to her disliking to the elder. She had heard things about him from Kakashi and Itachi. And knowing what type of person he was. She knew he was a big pusher for the Uchiha Massacre. Plus he took Shisui's eye. But he was still a very powerful man in the village so she couldn't upright and challenge him.

"Come and work under me. What do you say? If you stay where you are, you won't get any stronger then you are now"

"While I am honored that you would ask me, Lord Danzo. I have heard what your anbu does to people. So I am afraid I will have to decline the offer. Now if that is all I have to get back", (y/n) answered leaving Danzo standing alone stunned. (y/n) knew Danzo's true colors plus his team was very much hidden due to what happened after the Uchiha massacre. When she felt a presence behind her. She had a feeling Danzo had other plans than just to recruit her. She was right he attempted to punch her stomach and take her Sharingan. She was barely able to dodge the attack. She needed to end this and quick. She couldn't kill him at least not yet. She used her body flicker justu and landed outside the Hyuga compound. She knocked on the door. Hinata answered.

"Hinata is Neji here?"

"Yes, why?"

"Can you grab him I need to borrow him for a bit"

"He is training with father but they should be finishing up", Hinata said.

"Tell him to meet me at the training ground as quickly as he can", (y/n) said before body flickering again. She knew she better get ready. She created a number of shadow clones and not long after Danzo appeared.

"Looks like you might be harder than I thought you would be. But no matter I will have your Sharingan", Danzo said as a few of his anbu appeared. Their swords at the ready. (y/n) let her clones deal with them as she went straight for Danzo. Danzo speed toward me ready to attack me. (y/n) was ready to kick. Danzo smiled before he got ready to grab her. In an attempt to grab her eye. (y/n) and Danzo exchanged blow to blow. Punch after punch and kick after kick. (y/n) ready to reverse roundhouse him. When he grabbed her leg throwing her toward another direction. (y/n) weaved for shadow clones as they managed to catch her fall. While (y/n) jumped to a nearby tree letting my breath rest. (y/n) felt someone cover her eyes. She was about to stab the person when she saw it was Neji.

"Oh it's just you", (y/n) said with a sigh.

"Yeah it's just me so care to tell me what is going on", he asked.

"Later I promise right now mind if you distract the man with the cane", (y/n) said. Neji shrugged before going down. As he got ready for the eight trigrams. Danzo hitting Neji sending him falling (y/n) weaved a clone that caught him. Before (y/n) came down jumping over Danzo's head and started to kick toward him. Danzo blocking each one of her kicks. She pulled out my kunai spun it around while trying to hit his skin. He blocked every single one of them. (y/n) threw her kunai in the air kicked it scratching Danzo's face. Danzo used the chance to weave a justu before getting ready to stab her with her own kunai. Trying to take her eye. She managed to kick him hard in the face before landing. Before kicking him in a certain area as he stumbled. (y/n) grabbed her kunai and aimed it at Danzo's neck. "If you ever try that again next time it will be much worse. Be lucky I am showing mercy on you", (y/n) said before lowering her kunai. Putting Danzo in a genjutsu. While he was dealing with that she was considering her options at the moment. When she noticed a number of crows begin to gather. To see Itachi standing there. (y/n) was shocked to see Itachi there. "Itachi what are you doing here?"

The Story of (y/n) Uchiha (Kakashi Parental Scenario)Where stories live. Discover now