(y/n) and Kakashi Reaction To SasuNaru

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*This has content that isn't good for the younger readers of this fanfic. Like the mention of ships from the Naruto universe and some suggested content*

Author-chan:  I got a question from a reader named Kim. So I thought why not answer it. Kakashi-kun you think of SasuNaru *lenny face* For me personally say no because of the lack of amount of romance and the unstable bit of the relationship between them. What about you Kakashi?

*Kakashi is reading his "novel"*

Kakashi: huh what did you say?

(y/n) Uchiha: I swear uncle Kakashi listen once in a while. She said what is your reaction to SasuNaru aka Sasuke and Naruto.

Kakashi: Ummm I don't ship it since the team reminds me a lot of my own. That is liked saying you ship me with Obito.

author-chan: Kakashi people already do.

*(y/n) nods yes at this she has known this for a while now*

Kakashi: Wait what?

*author-chan looks at (y/n) as they both share a smirk pulls up fanfic and Kakashi looks and sees . He takes the computer and somehow finds the worst one*

Kakashi: What the heck is wrong with them?!!! Why is their fanfic of me screwing Obito???!!!!

Author-chan: Kakashi keep it appropriate there are children reading this.

Kakashi: But if they are going to have been having s*x with someone why does it have to be with Obito.

Author-chan: Then would you rather be with Gai ?

(y/n): OMG yes they are perfect together.

Kakashi: Wait no way their is a ship with me and Gai is there?

Author-chan: *hands Kakashi her computer*

Kakashi: *looks at it up goes silent* Why does this exist?!?! I mean come on Gai has an acorn p*starts to say but is interupted*

(y/n): *maka chops Kakashi* There are children reading this try to be somewhat appropriate. *(y/n) snatches Kakashi "novel" and started to run before he could finish*

Kakashi: Damn it (y/n) give me my "novel" back. *Kakashi was about to get it when the (y/n) Uchiha poofs off in a cloud of smoke leaving a log in her place. Kakashi then realized it had been a substitution the entire and poofs home hoping to get there before (y/n) get a chance to burn his beloved "novels".

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