Froot Loops

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Her eyes were still a bit red from all the tears she cried. A month ago she canceled her engagement. It wasn't without a reason, that she separated from Christian. Everyone suspected they split up because he was too jealous or both were traveling too much and therefore had no time for each other, but there was another reason. The real reason was that Lady Gaga's heart belongd to someone else and not to Christian Carino. She had fallen in love again, given her heart to someone else. The first time she saw him, she was caught in his eyes. During the filming it had sparked between them again and again. She was convinced that he had the same feelings for her, but when she saw him with his girlfriend at Christmas shopping the other day, she was proven otherwise. Of course, she knew he had a child, but after telling him everything, including all the feelings and desires, she would have expected a little bit more from him.
"Now is not the right time! Wait, just wait!", that were his words. After she left sobbing he tried to call her but she was tired of being treated like that. She didn't want to wait anymore.

Now she shuffled through the almost closed supermarket. With a hooded sweater and thick sunglasses, no one had recognized her and that's why she was so grateful. Just her favorite cornflakes were on her shopping list. She was lucky because there was only one pack left. Just as she reached for it, another hand touched hers. She immediately pulled her hand away. She felt that the place where the hand touched hers tingled. It was a nice, familiar feeling. Her eyes followed the arm and looked into the persons face. Even if the stranger wore sunglasses, she recognized those eyes, his eyes. She would always recognize his eyes. Just after seconds, tears rolled down her cheeks, and she turned to get away as quickly as possible, but he was faster.
"Please wait!"
He grabed her arm and pulled her back, he wordless took her shopping basket and set it aside.
"Don't go, not again!"
He took off his sunglasses so that he could see her better.
"What do you want? I thought it wasn't the right time ?!"
"It wasn't..."
"So ... then what do you want!"
Stefani turned around and wanted to leave, but he pulled her back.
"... because I broke up with Irina. The same night you told me everything."
"You broke up with Irina?"
He nodded.
"I'm sorry if you misunderstood my words. Can we talk ... maybe at home? ... Please!"
He carefully took off her sunglasses for a better look. He could see her howled eyes and wet cheeks. She stood rooted and didn't know what to do. He took her basket and the cornflakes. His fingers crossed with hers as they went to the supermarket checkout to pay for the purchase.

They decided to go to him. Even if she wasn't so angry with him anymore, their behavior with each other were still a bit stiff. The drive to his house was quiet. Since nobody said a word, he turned on the radio. It couldn't be better, even now, in a situation like this, Shallow came in the radio. Both recognized the song after the first notes and it brought a small smile to their faces. It was a work what they both created together, what brought them closer together and let them feel more like just friends.

After they parked in his still well-known driveway, he unlocked the door and gestured her to walk inside. Everywhere in the house was Decoration for Christmas. Something shone and glittered everywhere. Everything just looked beautiful. She reminded to all the moments she had with him, all the memories and special nights.
"Do you want to drink something?"
"No, but I finally want to know what's going on!"
She followed him into the kitchen and looked expectantly at him. When she sat down on her favorite spot, which was right at the kitchen table, he started talking.
"We had a strong argument that morning because Irina thought I would only be with you. When you were with me and told me everything, she was watching us and almost exploded with anger. But, for me, something important became clear. All the time I tried to hide and suppress my feelings, but that was wrong ... I love you, damn it! "
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
"Irina saw how we talked to each other. So many times I've tried to convince her and me that there's nothing between us except friendship ... but I can't ignore it anymore. After the breakup and after you dissapear, a world collapsed for me. I was so worried! "
Stefani wiped a tear away.
"I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. I just didn't want her to insult you because she was keeping an eye on you all the time anyway."
"Bradley ... I ... I ..."
He put a glass of water on the table and put some of the froot loops in a bowl.
"Bradley, I'm really sorry! I ..."
"It's all ok ... you couldn't have known it, neither from my feelings nor from the argument ..."
He took a loop and threw it into his mouth. Her whole body started to tingle. Without a word, she walked around the kitchen table, pulled on his shirt and pressed her lips to his mouth. Surprised, he dropped the box of froot loops and immediately put an arm around her waist. Her hands became tangled in his hair and pulled his lips closer to hers. The breath became faster and movements became more hectic. His hands were all over her body. They both gasped after releasing the passionate kiss. Bradley had smeared lipstick all over his mouth and a big smile was on both faces. Stefani licked her lips.
"Mhhh with cinnamon flavor ..."
This time it was Bradley who pulled her over for another kiss. His hands held her waist, slid down her leg, and lifted her up. She fumbled in his hair and gripped the back of his neck.
"I love you! Only you and I'll never let you go!"
"I love you too, Bradley!"

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