16. December

119 6 2

Part II Holidays

Not like that, Miss!

His knees were right and left of her hip. The electricity from before came back and they looked deep into each other's eyes. It was as if their souls were connecting. Connecting even more than they already were. The sparks literally shot through their hands, which were tucked into thick gloves. Already during the shooting there had been a powerful spark between them and holding hands was the most normal thing in the world for the two of them. Again there was the great temptation to kiss each other. Bradley leaned over to her. Her gaze wandered to his lips and then back to his eyes until she closed the gap between them. It was very cold but the space around them seemed to burn. Both bodies filled with an eerie heat. He let go of her wrists and that immediately gave her the opportunity to pull him closer. She sucked on his lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth. Bradley escaped a small whimper and he returned the gesture.
After they both ran out of air and unfortunately had to separate to breathe, they looked at each other again. Her cheeks were warm and her lips, like his, red from kissing. Their fingers were still connected.



That was very beautiful!

Yes it was! ... maybe a bit cold, but beautiful!

I know a place where it is very warm and where we can make ourselves a hot chocolate ... AND where we can finally get rid of those annoying winter clothes.

That sounds very tempting!

Will you accompany me?

Of course! There is nothing I would like to do more!

Bradley got up and lifted her up. Before they walked on, he pulled her to him again and gave her another kiss.

What was that for?

To warm you up a little.

She held his hand again and continued to stomp through the snow with him until they reached the big mansion. They were alone because everyone else was still outside. Bradley helped her out of her jacket and his hand went over her back, unconsciously. They both took off their clean clothes and went into the common kitchen.

I suppose you want a hot chocolate?

Yes! Please!

Stefani looked in the mirror and saw her destroyed lipstick. She made herself up a little because the adventures in the snow had tousled her hair a little bit. She braided herself a braid and put on new clothes.

I love your hot chocolate! It tastes so ... special ... so what is your secret ingredient?

He put the milk in front of him on the table, looked up and then turned around. His blue eyes met her green eyes and he made a gesture with his hand that she should come to him. Without further words she went to him until there were only a few inches between them. Bradley leaned forward so he could whisper something into her ear.

The secret ingredient is ...

His breath tickled her ear. She kept leaning against him just to feel his warmth, his presence.


He put his hands on her cheek and gently put his lips on hers. Both closed their eyes and sank into the feeling. Bradley's hands slid down her body so he could lift her up and put her on the kitchen countertop. All this without separating her lips once. As Bradley pulled her closer, he accidentally knocked over an empty cup and the loud noise scared them so that they broke the kiss.

I don't normally allow anyone to watch me making Bradley's special hot chocolate, but I'll make an exception for you.

Stefani watched carefully as he tipped the ingredients into the cups and smiled at him. When he finished and gave her a cup, she had a sparkle in her eyes.

Thanks a lot!

Everything for you!

He took a sip and got a milk beard from the cream. She started giggling a little.

It is really delicious!

She looked at his lips and then back into his eyes. She could not resist and kissed his lips again. The freshly applied lipstick continued to smear on her lips and also colored his lips.

I'm sorry ... guys ... I hate to interrupt ... but I wanted to get a glass of milk? You think its possible to let me have one?

Christmas (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now