21. December

127 11 0

Part II  Christmas Wonder

Instead of making any mistrust or feeling weird, Bradley just smiled.

You know what? I'm gonna give it to you. Make her happy with it.

No, I can't accept that!

You don't need money to lead a rich life. Good friends and a loving family are worth their weight in gold.

Thanks a lot! Really!

Stefani joined them and gave him both a big smile. Her little hand grabbed his and held on to it.

I- ... don't even know how to begin. But-

What favor can I do for you?

We ehm have a little daughter. She's two and it's almost Christmas. I know this sounds stupid and totally weird, but she would love to meet Santa. You have such a calm and intimacy, so would you mind playing Santa Claus for our little girl?

I would be honored to play Santa Claus for the little Joanne.

Both Bradley and Stefani looked at each other when the man said the child's name. Neither of them had mentioned anything, but he still knew the name. They both assumed that the other must have said something, so they stopped worrying about it.

I will be there.

Thank you very much, she will be thrilled!

After they had talked for a few more minutes, the couple wanted to leave the beautiful store. But just as they were about to open the door, the bearded man cleared his throat and pointed to the spot over the door. A mistletoe. There has never been a more beautiful mistletoe than the one hanging over the door. They looked at the beauty for a moment and then bent over slowly for a kiss. Bradley's warm hands glided into her neck and hair. As soon as her lips touched, Stefani felt a sensation in her stomach. It didn't hurt or cause any problems, it was just there and felt beautiful. The kiss was kinda short, but full of feeling and emotions. Automatically she put a hand on her belly and exactly this gesture made the old man put on the biggest smile.


A week after their visit in the store, Stefani had found out that she was already 2 months pregnant. She hadn't told Bradley yet, because she wanted to wait until Christmas Eve, but now they were about to have a new surprise.

I don't get it? How? ... This is so beautiful!

Without another word, she hugged the older man and whispered a thank you in his ear. Meanwhile, the little baby made friends with one of the reindeer when Bradley hugged him as well. They stood outside for a while until the older man had to leave. While he took the big bag of presents out of his sleigh, Stefani ran into the house to bring him the cookies and the glass of milk.

We told her the story and she wanted us to put out milk and cookies for Santa.

Santa loves milk and cookies!

Bradley and Stefani had to smile a little bit when he said that.
After the cookies were eaten and the milk was drunk and all the presents were in the living room it was time to say goodbye to the older man. The little family went back into the house and sat down. After only a few seconds Stefani jumped up and jogged back to the front door, but the sleigh was gone. There were no tracks in the snow, but instead many small snowflakes fell from the sky. Bradley came behind her and put his warm jacket around her.

Why are you here and not inside with us?

I wanted to thank him again.

He rubbed her arms and admired the falling snow together with her.



Thank you for giving me such a nice Christmas present!

What- so how did you know that? Did he tell you anything? Did you see it?

Stefani looked at him questioningly.

What are you talking about?

So you don't know about this yet?

About what?

The bracelet?

No. I don't know about any bracelet. But it's cute that you bought one!

Then what did you mean?

She reached for his hand and slipped it under his jacket on her stomach.

Can you feel that?

Your belly, wait... does that mean that the little bump there is ours?

Uhum, it is. By far the best Christmas present I can imagine! You made my wish come true!

Do you believe me when I say that it is also the most beautiful present for me? I love our little girl! I love you and I love to see you happy and another baby!

He started to cry. Stefani wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer.

I love you so much! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Stef! The love of my life and the most wonderful mother!

Just when he had spoken the last word it started snowing again. A black silhouette could be seen in the sky.

HoHoHo and Merry Christmas to you all!

Christmas (Bradga)Where stories live. Discover now