12. December

154 13 2

Part I   Photographer

Are you ready LG?

I'm on the way!

The car is waiting and so am I.

Yes! I'm ... here

She came down the stairs and Sarah was amazed. Stefani turned into a sexy Christmas elf who Sarah looked at with an open mouth.

You look ... wow- people will be surprised!

Not too short?

Perfect! ... but come now, or we'll be late.

Both ladies went to the car where the others were already waiting.


Santa will have big eyes when he sees his sexy elf!

Haha! Maybe nobody dresses up as Santa, then my reindeer can be happy about it!

Bobby straightened his antlers and dressed his reindeer costume right.

Your reindeer is already fascinated by your look.

Stefani had to laugh and even almost smudged her make up. The drive to the event was short but very funny. Everyone was in a good mood and was looking forward to the party. It was a private party, so there were no paparazzi, which made Stefani very relaxed.
Together with her team she went to the big hall, where many people were already there.
Many friends welcomed her and offered her something to drink. With a big smile she looked through the crowd. Everyone was dressed up for Christmas and the room was also beautifully decorated.

Come G, let's take some Christmas photos!

Sarah and Bo pulled her into the photo room which was right next door to the hall.

Now only one Santa Claus is missing, then the Christmas team is complete.

Sarah looked around the room and saw exactly one person dressed as Santa Claus. Exactly this person was coming towards her. She didn't see much of the face but his eyes and nose looked familiar.

Hey Sarah! It's Bradley.

He had to laugh when he realized that the woman in front of him did not recognized him at first.

Ouh, that's why you looked so familiar. Hey, glad you came. We were about to take a photo and Santa is still missing.

Okay, well, let's take some pictures. By the way you look good as an reindeer.

Just wait and see!

He looked at her questioningly and then followed her.
When he came around the corner and Stefani saw him, she immediately knew who was behind the Santa Claus costume. She became tense and tried desperately to avoid his looks. His looks were noticeable on her skin.

Hello everyone.

Bradley!? Bradley! Hey!

What are you doing here?

I'm here with Brad and Leo. I didn't want to come at first, but you know these two.

The photographer came around the corner and smiled at everybody.

Ready? I see the whole Santa Claus team is here? Well, well, well ... very nice. So I suggest Santa Claus goes in the middle. You two, reindeer, are further back and this reindeer and the snowman are in the front. Then we still have you left, since unfortunately there is no Misses Claus present, I suggest that the elf also sits in the middle.

All positioned themselves as the man had said. When Stefani sat down next to Bradley he automatically put an arm around her.

Hey, Stef!

Even though she longed for his touch and secretly enjoyed it, she could not jump over her shadow and talk to him normally. She closed her eyes for a moment, exhaled once and then put on a smile.

Just like that! Say cheese, everybody! Wonderful.

The photographer took a few pictures.

Ok, now I suggest we bring a little fire to the whole thing. The strong reindeer can piggyback the other reindeer. The snowman poses here and you are standing here ... the elf sits best on Santa's lap. Is that ok? Okay.

He put on some music and everybody danced a little bit. Even Stefani seemed to be a little more relaxed after she drank her cup of mulled wine and then sat on his lap. She repressed the fact that the man was Bradldy and posed sexy. Stefani was gone and Lady Gaga was back with her typical performances

Very nice! These will be great photos!

Suddenly she pressed her finger against his cheek and turned his head towards her just to kiss his lips. Bobby and Freddie got big eyes and wondered. Sarah and Bo were just smiling at each other.

|  ... be ready for Part II |

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