13. December

135 11 0

Part II  Photographer

This is exactly the energy I wanted! Feel the festival of love! Always so real!

When their lips met, suddenly everything was there again. Lady Gaga, who she just changed in, disappeared and Stefani was back. All the feelings came up again and although she needed and enjoyed the kiss, she pushed herself away from him and ran away. Without even thinking about it, Bradley jumped up and ran after her.

Stef! Hey Stef! Wait!

When she heard his voice, she ran faster, straight to the ladies' room. Bradley was just in time and managed to get to her before she closed the door. He pulled his fake beard down and leaned his back against the door.

Stef... what's wrong?

Go away Bradley! Just go away!

No, I won't go away.

He locked the door from the inside and looked at her carefully.

What's going on? Did I-

You idiot! You fucking idiot! You were gone!

She started beating his chest with her hands. He narrowed his eyes and knew the best thing for her to do was to vent her frustration.

When I needed you the most, you weren't there! You said you loved me forever, but you didn't call or were there!

Her anger slowly turned to sadness as her blows were softer  and thick tears ran down her pink cheeks.

I fucking needed you! I needed you, Bradley!

He held her hands firmly in his and just pulled her into a hug. He held her tight and gave her strength.

You could have at least come over or sent me a message...

He continued to hold her tightly which calmed her down and put her head on his shoulder.

Every day ... every day I stood outside your door and asked either Bobby, Sarah or Freddie how you were doing. I wanted to see you but they said it would be better if you could handle the pain on your own. They were right. You had to find a way to handle the situation... I couldn't have helped you with that. And if I wasn't sure that you were strong enough, I would've been there. One word from you would have been enough. I didn't want to hurt you any more, I just wanted to protect you and do the best for you. You made it without me.

Yeah, but it was really fucking hard! I thought I lost you too.

You'll never lose me, Stef! You'll never lose me! And if you need help, I'm here. I'm always here for you.

It hurt.

I know, honey, I know... it's been hard for both of us, and even harder for you. That's why I'm so proud of you.

He pulled back a little so he could look into her beautiful eyes. With his fingertips he stroked a strand of hair from her face and admired her face, which was delicately made up. His eyes radiated so much love and security.

Please promise me in the future to simply stay with me.

If you still want a future with me?

I want, I could not want one without you!

Then ... may I kiss you without you running again?

I actually wish you would.

He gently wiped her united cheeks and dry her tears.

I love you, I really do and I would do anything for you! Anything.

Shut up and kiss me!

She put her hands on his face and pressed her lips on his. He embraced her and pulled her closer again.

I want to spend Christmas with you. What do you think about that?

It would be the best gift ever.

He pulled her into another kiss and his hand went lightly on her back. A knock on the door brought her back to reality.

Don't panic, it's only us!

Stefani rolled her eyes a little. She wanted to open the door and walk out and let go of his hand, but Bradley entangled his fingers with hers again. She gave him a smile and then opened the door just to see Sarah and Bo with a mistletoe in their hands.

We wanted to know what was going on.

Sarah looked at her hands and grinned.

And we wanted to see the beautiful Elf- Santa Claus kiss once again.

Bradley and Stefani looked at each other. He didn't think twice as he pulled her back to his body and kissed her passionately.

Eww now I have your Santa Claus hairs in my mouth.

You better get used to it ... because I like the beard ...

Forget it!

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