Chapter 1: The Arrival of the VKs

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It all started as a normal day in Auradon. Lucas was getting ready for another normal day, when Doug suddenly entered his room.

"Hey Lucas, did you hear?" Doug asked.

"Hear what?" Lucas replied.

"Ben is thinking of having some of the villain kids come here." Doug explained.

"Wait, seriously?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah." Doug says, "Everyone's talking about it."


"Let's just say that most of them aren't exactly thrilled with it."

"And you? What do you think?"

"I'll admit that the idea of seeing them is intimidating, but Ben sounds pretty confident. I'm willing to give it a chance for him."

Lucas paused for a moment, thinking about what he felt about this. He also was a little nervous about it, but if there was one thing Anna taught him, it was not to judge on first impressions.

"I guess I will too." He finally replies. "I can only imagine what life for them is like on the Isle. Maybe this will be good for them. When do they get here?"

"Later today." Doug replies. "I'll be with the rest of the band to welcome them. You gonna be there?"

"Not sure. We'll see how busy I am." Lucas says.

"You sure you don't mean how nervous you'll be?" Doug jokes.

"Don't you have a band to get ready with?" Lucas asks.

"Right. See you later." Doug says before leaving.

As Lucas was heading out, he also discovered that morning classes were cancelled for the day to welcome the new kids. He then decided to use his free time to get some extra work done on his homework and projects. During that time, he could hear the band playing and looked out his window to see the limo approaching, and four people exit.

'These must be the new kids.' He thought to himself before heading back out, where he saw Doug again.

"So, how did it go?" Lucas asked.

"They're... interesting." Doug replies. "Ben's showing them around right now."

"That must be something."

"Yeah. Also, could you get these to them for me? Ben asked me to, but they kinda scare me?"

"So you want me to do it instead?"


"Okay, fine. You're gonna owe me for this."

"Thanks." Doug says before taking off again.

When Lucas got down the stairs, he heard Ben call him over.

"Lucas! Could you come down for a sec?" Ben asked.

Lucas quickly glanced at the four VKs before nodding and coming over to him and Audrey.

"Have you seen Doug?" Ben asked quietly.

"He bailed." Lucas replied, "Asked me to do whatever you wanted him to do."

"Oh, okay." Ben replies before facing the VKs. "This is Lucas. He's gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." Hw then approached one of them, a girl with purple hair. "I'll see you later, okay?" He says to her before addressing the others again. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to-"

"Ask Lucas." Audrey finished, cutting Ben off. She and the purple-haired girl shared an obviously fake and forced laugh before walking away with Ben, leaving Lucas and theVKs.

"Um, hi." Lucas says, nervously. "Like Ben said, I'm Lucas. Son of Anna and Kristoff, and..." He then lost his train of thought when he caught the girl with blue hair staring at him, almost flirtatiously. "Hi." He awkwardly finished.

"Evie." The girl introduced, approaching him. "Evil Queen's daughter."

Lucas quickly shook himself out of his trance and tried to continue as the other girl approached him as well. "Okay, so about your classes. We put in the requirements already. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and Remedial Goodness 101." He awkwardly explained.

"Let me guess, new class?" The purple-haired girl asked, and Lucas nodded. "Come on guys." She says, "Let's go find our dorms."

The group then ran up the stairs by Lucas before he corrected them. "Um, your dorms are that way." He says, pointing in the direction they needed to go. They followed his direction, but the blue-haired one, Evie, trailed behind just a bit to give Lucas another look before joining her friends.

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