Chapter 12: Aren-spelled

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A few days later, Lucas met up with Evie and the VKs to get ready for Jane's birthday party at the Enchanted Lake. as they were packing up, they noticed someone got into the cake that was made for her, unaware that Dizzy and Celia were the culprits until Lucas found them. After they were brought inside, the group continued getting ready until there was a sudden pink flash.

When they ran outside to investigate, they saw... was that Audrey? She looked different, and what was she doing with Maleficent's scepter? But just as soon as they saw her, she vanished in a pink smoke. That's when they noticed that she spelled Mal, making her look like an old witch.

"You might want to think of a spell for that." Jay comments.

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." Mal says.

"Well, that's a shame." Carlos says.

"Forget about me." Mal tells them, "Audrey's out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger."

"What should we do?" Evie asks.

"The only thing more powerful than the scepter is Hades' Ember." Mal responds.

"Hades?" Lucas asks. "I doubt he'll let you guys just take it."

"And no one knows where his lair is." Evie adds.

"I do." Celia chimes in, "I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's."

"You're coming." Mal says.

"But I just got here." Celia complains.

Dizzy and the twins later came to see what was going on, and freaked out when they saw Mal.

"Lucas, could you stay here with Dizzy and the twins?" Evie asks.

"Sure. Just be careful out there." Lucas replies.

"Don't worry. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine." Evie assures him.

"Okay." Lucas says. "Come on, Dizzy."

Lucas did his best to keep an eye on them, but not long after the others left, a pink mist swirled in, and Lucas suddenly got really tired before falling asleep in Evie's studio.

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