6th Emerald Located

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Chapter 20: 6th Emerald Located
(A.K.A. Something else is brewing below)
Sky Warrior, 3 hours later
Once again, the Sky Warrior was flying across the Mobian night sky.
"So after five locations, we have three emeralds, and Eggman has two." Tails said.
"Yep, and there's still two more to find. Do you have any clue as to where the 6th emerald is?" Sonic asked.
"I'm getting a weak signal from the 6th one, but I can't figure out our location."
"Hmm, sounds sketchy." Shadow put in.
Amy then walked in.
"Sonic, can I see you for a second?" She asked.
"Sure, Ames." Sonic replied as he got up and followed her to their room. "What's up, Amy? Is something wrong?"
"I'm pregnant."
"We did it?" Sonic asked, getting excited.
"Yes. I'm having another child!" Amy exclaimed.
The couple exchanged a hug and kiss.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors for who gets to tell Sarah?" Sonic blurted out.
"Best of seven?"
Amy would win the Rock, Paper, Scissors series in five games, losing the 1st game, but winning the next four in a row, meaning she got the honor of telling her daughter that she was going to be an older sister.
"Oh, Sarah." Amy called out.
Sarah dashed in. The young hedgehog was getting faster, but still hadn't gained her true speed yet.
"Yes, mommy?" Sarah asked.
"You know how you wanted to be a big sister?"
"Well, you're going to be one! You're going to have a little brother or sister."
"Really?" Sarah exclaimed, hopping up and down in joy.
Sonic walked in.
"Should we go tell the others?"
Amy nodded in agreement.
The couple walked out to the common area where everyone was.
"Guys, we have an announcement." Sonic said to get their friends' attention.
"What is it, Sonic?" Silver asked.
"I'm pregnant again!" Amy exclaimed.
"That's awesome!" Tails smiled.
The group began to congratulate the two, ranging from hugs, handshakes, high-5s, and a glare turned smile and nod approval from Shadow.
"I hate to break up this heart touching moment, but I figured out our location." Tails said.
"Where are we?"
"Frog Forest, Sonic. The emerald is somewhere below in the woods."
"Well, let's go get it, guys. The girls can celebrate while we get the emerald." Sonic suggested.
"That's a little sexist." Rouge pointed out.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"We know." Blaze chuckled.
"Ok then. Let's roll!" Sonic smiled as he, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, and Manic took off out of the Sky Warrior.

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