19: Black Bandits

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Ella caught Prince Eric's silhouette in the stable as he prepared  the horses for their journey this morning.

Eric on cue looked straight at Ella who was standing at the door. "Are you ready?"

She exhaled shakily. This was it. The real adventure begins today. The journey to getting revenge started today. She was going to miss Ismat, Charity who had tried many times to get her brother to let her join them on this journey, and there was Arthur.

Ella did not realize Prince Eric had switched positions to be in front of her until he reached out for her hand. "It will be fine." He reassured her.

"I know." She whispered. "It 's just that I've looked forward to this day but now that it's already here, I feel-"

"Overwhelmed?" Another voice intercepted.

Prince Eric rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Glad you could join us, Arthur."

Arthur chuckled bypassing them with a package in his hands, dropping it on the hay beneath them. "I hate to interrupt your little something-" He waved his hands for emphasis, earning a snort from Eric. "But I had to give you a little something."

Ella peered at the conspicuous package. "What's in there?"

"Food supplies and money."

Eric raised a brow. "But-"

Arthur grinned. "Just shut up and accept the damn package."

Eric grabbed the package and set it on one of the horses, a midnight black stallion. "Show some respect. I'm still your prince."

Arthur ignored him and faced Ella whose eyes were glistening with tears. Concerned, he drew near. "I'm going to miss you, Ella."

Ella laughed, briskly wiping her eyes. "You say it like I'm going to die."

Arthur's face tighthened. "Are you?"

"Arthur, I swear-" It was Eric protesting.

"No." Ella replied, falling into Arthur's arms. He wrapped a strong arm around her.

"Good." Arthur drew circles on her back. "Charity wouldn't come here. She's in a bad mood as we speak."

Ella chuckled. "She'll come around."

"Idiot, take good care of my sister."

Arthur released Ella from his arms and embraced his friend. "I will.  Don't get killed."


"By the calculations on the map, we should be close to the Alsatian forest." Prince Eric spread the map on a flat weathered piece of rock and pointed at a spot.

Ella nodded, sitting on a stump. Her thoughts were far away from the map, they bordered on the people she left behind at the palace, Emerald, Star, Mabel, Grace, Lily and Theresa. She was much more closer to Star than all of them, yet she missed their playful banter. She hoped they were safe and that Brian had not sent them to die somewhere.

The bastard.

Why do wicked people like him end up on earth?

"Ella."  Eric's voice was tender.

Ella picked a twig and fiddled with it. "I'm sorry I wasn't listening."

"What's bothering you?"

"Everything. I'm worried about the people I've left  behind. I'm worried about my mother."

Eric folded the map and tucked it into his shirt. "I feel the same way too you know?"

"Really?" Ella glanced up at him. He rarely showed any emotions and if he did it was for a good reason. However,  she had not really considered that fact that he would be thinking about his family as much as she did.

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