22: Revenge is Sweet

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Ella threw herself into her mother's open arms, and clung to her like she would disappear at any moment.

"Mother!" Ella cried again, tears of joy coursing down her eyes. Words couldn't describe how she was feeling right now. Overjoyed, relieved, ecstatic...

Marie held her daughter close, smiling against the familiar mop of brown hair. Oh! How she missed her little girl.

They basked in the peaceful ambience until Ella gasped after remembering that they weren't alone.

Reluctant, mother and daughter broke apart. Marie's observant eyes settled on Prince Eric and they widened out of shock.

"You are-"

"-Prince Eric, yes Ma'am." Eric tipped his head in respect for Ella's mother.

Marie's mouth hung open in consideration of the fact that the Prince had just called her 'ma'am'. Subtly, Ella nudged her mother.


Marie regarded her daughter suspiciously and then ignored her. "How come you're here?" She asked Eric, inviting them to sit under a tree.

"My father's throne was stolen." Eric replied. The words awoke a bitter feeling in him as he remembered his family.

Marie's hands flew up to cover her mouth. "Oh my God!" She exclaimed.

Ella almost rolled her eyes at her mother's theatrics but this moment was a solemn one and she didn't want to ruin it.

Eric sent a look at Ella, urging her to complete the remaining parts of the story. Ella's mood soured, just like Eric's had.

"It was Brian. He had been plotting against the throne for God-knows- how-long..."

A chill ran down Marie's spine when her ex-husband's name was mentioned. Fearfully, she listened as Ella narrated everything that had happened, from working in the palace to escaping after the 'attack' and the decision to seek the help of the 'Black Bandits'.

"I'm sure Becca would be willing to help." Marie said, gazing at Eric.

He smiled gently at Ella's mother. "However, she gave us a condition. We had to gain the trust of the bandits first before any kind of assistance would be given."

"Becca's clever."

"Is she a good leader?" Ella inquired.

Marie faced her daughter. "She is."

They relapsed into a moment of silence, each person distracted by their thoughts.

"The both of you should come to the Hangout this evening, Becca's throwing a party for her daughter."

"Becca has a daughter?" Ella asked.

Her mother nodded. "Yes." Her eyes fell on a familiar figure. "Bat! Come over here!"

A scrawny teenager made his way over, grinning timidly at the three people. "Hi Marie."

"Bat-" Ella giggled but stopped when her mom shot her a look. "-meet Ella my daughter and Prince Eric. Ella, Your Highness, this is Bat, he's like a son to me."

Bat bowed respectfully at Eric who brushed it off. "Your Highness-"

"-please call me Eric."

"Bat-" Ella wanted to say something else but she burst out laughing at the silly name. Bat with a frown, pouted.

Marie shook her head at Ella's childish act but was shocked when Eric started laughing hard too.

"Real mature." Bat mumbled, a blush rising up his cheeks.

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