Today: Got myself kidnapped.

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HEY!! Thanks for choosing my book! This one is kinda a merging of Greek mythology, Egyptian Mythology and the stuff in between!
As always:
Copyright © 2014 by Annie Kovac
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author.

Thea POV 

Can a girl ever catch a break. They make it so simple in the movies, definitely more so in the books. Are we really meant to wait for the guy of our dreams and then move on to have babies, retire and become house wives? To be honest all the movies base the woman's happiness solely on their relationship status. That surely can't be all of it, can it?
I mean, yeah, I really like the idea that there is one person out there only destined for me, but come on! Seven billion people in this world, is it really that probable that I will ever come across my soulmate? I don't think so. Big, fat, lie.
I'm gonna be the first to come out and call bullshit.
Though I'm probably only still single because of my extremely, un-orthodox shall we say, ways of showing interest in anybody of the opposite sex. I will say that I can come across as a hostile, stubborn, un remorseful, arrogant, bitchy, generally unapproachable person...but it's the person inside that counts right?
Eh. I can deal without the guys for the moment, to be honest I'm waiting for my true love.
Channing Tatum doesn't know it yet, but he loves me, and we are meant to be. As soon as I show my face to him, it will be like love at first site. I'm sure guys, I'm sure.
That, and the fact that Law school is grilling me at the moment. I'm pretty sure that if I had to worry about someone else's emotions, I would probably die of an allergic reaction to feelings on a new level.
Ahh the turmoils of life. Not really though, people make it out to be the end of the world if you don't have the latest phone, the trendiest clothes, the hottest boyfriend. Get a grip, there are people starving, fighting in wars and dying in this world. I'm pretty sure that Kim Kardashian and her arse is not important.
I went to bed at 5:00 am last night. My body shuts down if I have less than nine hours sleep. I had three.
Looks like I'm gonna be spending my day in a caffe or library somewhere working, most probably catching up on some z's actually. Not the point, the point is, I am not setting foot on that darned campus.
At all.
I don't care that Dr Bartholomew what's his face is giving an amazingly important speech, I don't care that I have to hand in work, and I certainly do not care that it is hash-brown Monday. Okay, that's a lie, I care a little about the hash-browns.
Thinking of hash-browns, makes me feel hungry. And on cue, my stomach decides to demonstrate the sound of a whale's mating call.
I hate getting up when I'm all cosy in my sheets. I feel like a sausage, a really happy sausage, wrapped up in tasty...duvet. Not really though, my duvet has that gross sleep smell clinging to it.
At that point I don't really know what happened, I proceeded to do a kind of jig in bed and that consequently led to me falling, in a heap, on the cold floor.
Thank you, thank you for that lovely wake up call.
I drag myself off the floor and shuffle into the bathroom, turning on the shower head and taking off my icky pyjamas. They are definitely going in the wash.
The hot water does enough to wake me up from my groggy state, and I get dressed in comfortable clothes seeing as I won't be meeting anyone important today.
My morning coffee does wonders for my drowsiness, and only 15 minutes late after breakfast, I leave the house that I share with four other people.
I'm careful not to slam the door, because I know that if I do, world war three would definitely break out. Waking up one of either Jake, Sebastian, Laura or Violet is enough on Its own. All four, and you need to be preparing yourself for imminent death.
I laugh to myself, as I enjoy the slightly chilly breeze. The transition of winter into spring is my favorite time of year, I don't know why though, I quite like the winter as a whole. I guess Spring just brings better memories.
The caffe isn't that far away from the house, it's probably more accurate to say that it's bang smack in between our house and campus, which is incredibly convenient.
As per usual the caffe is in full swing, even at this ridiculously early hour, well, for me it is. It's busy, but most people are just popping in during rush hour for their morning coffee, so there are plenty of empty seats for me to pick from. I choose one near a plug, purely just for practical reasons, because my computer eats battery life. Literally. My computer is the cookie monster and the battery life is the cookies.
I find doing my own research a lot more stimulating than listening to a professor, it engages me more, I have to say. But there are moments in life when no matter what, some things, well in my case it's more accurate to say some people, just straight out grasp your attention so badly, you cannot look away.
Today at approximately 12:04, I experience the full blow of low attention span.
I don't even remember why, but at the precise moment that the four people enter the coffee shop, I look up to the door.
I saw them, the whole caffe saw them, And I join every single person in the tiny shop in staring at these people.
Jesus. They look like they were made by the goddess of beauty herself.
They cannot be human.
After a while, the fantastic four got their drinks and sat in the booth opposite mine, the caffe had ceased with the staring. I hadn't. I literally could not draw my eyes away from them.
They had probably clicked that I was staring at them, but they didn't seem at all phased, like it was normal for crazy people like me to stare like I am.
I try to get back to my work, the time is 12:30. How embarrassing, I have been staring at them for the best part of half an hour, 12:33.
Tingles. I feel tingles shooting down my head, and through my spine.
This definitely doesn't feel normal, as time progressed the tingles got worse,one after the other after the other. It's starting to get uncomfortable now. My hand is itching, the tingles are now shooting down to my finger tips, more specifically my right hand.
Erupting from my head, a strong zap of electricity coils around my neck, my arm and finally my right pinky finger. There is a pulsing of electricity established, starting from my head and ending in my finger. At this point I cannot contain my cry of pain, and at last the attention of the fantastic four is plastered onto me. I try to get up, so that I can get out of this incredibly embarrassing situation, by going to the toilets, but I only slump down onto the floor. I crumple in pain, both my hand and my head feeling the full extent of the pain.
I don't know what's happening, but my mind isn't really trying to deduce WHY, more HOW to get it to stop.
I scream again in agony as I feel a knife carving sensation against my fore arm down to my hand. I pull my hand down from holding my head in pain. There is no knife, only black swirls of ink that are being literally drawn into my skin.
What the hell is going on.
At which point I look up to see the fantastic four pushing away the crowd and crouching down on my level.
I only hear fragments of the conversation through my pain, words like;
Power, angel-kissed, soul-half,
"Wipe her memory of this, she will wake up and believe that she got a tattoo in an alcohol induced state" says one.
"We cannot do that to one that is angel-kissed." Says another.
"That is no angel-kiss, it is the charm of a calling-mark. Her soul-half is near." Says yet another voice
"I know that mark, that is the mark of Alexius." say the last person in an astonished voice.
Upon hearing the name, the pain subdues into a dull ache and I start hyperventilating. I crack my eyes open to see four concerned eyes regarding me in an interested light.
"Be calm young one, you are safe in our presence." says a soothing voice. I look at the man, his blue eyes calm me, and the lullaby that he hums charms me into relaxation.
I close my eyes once more, purely because I feel exhausted and there are still tingles shooting through my skin.
As I re-open them I take in my surroundings. I seem to have been removed from the caffe, and am momentarily placed on an extremely expensive looking bed.
"Where am I?" I ask, in a somewhat detached voice.
A girl, probably about my age comes into my vision.
"Alexius' mansion in the land of the souls."
My eye brows nit together and I give her a shocked look.
"What?" I ask, slightly getting creeped out.
"Helena," someone chastises, "that was not the way to break it to her."
I look at the big man that gets up from his seat.
"My apologies, I am Orion, I am Alexius' right hand man, unfortunately he is unable to be with you right now. Calandra has called a gathering in the Land of Life for all the main Gods."
I give him the same look. Yh, 'cos that was a way better explanation.
"It is quite amazing that you're here you know, Alexius has been waiting for his soul-half for a long time, and you're so pretty as well, he will surely be happy." the perky woman sitting on the end of my bed said.
"What?!" I look at her like she is crazy, my cheeks slightly red from the pretty comment, she should take a look in the mirror.
"Andromeda." another guy says, yet he doesn't sound so harsh, his voice is melodic and calm, like the sound of the sea.
"Let me make a proper introduction, my name is Orpheus, this is Orion" he points to the muscly man standing with his arms crossed, "to his right is Helena," she's the one that 'broke it to me' first, "this is my soul-half Andromeda." he says looking adoringly at the overly happy woman that has now inched closer to me.
Urgh. Feelings.
I don't know whether to be scared or creeped out. Probably both actually.
"What's a soul-half?"
I ask looking around the room.
Orpheus opens his mouth to speak but a load thud is heard on the balcony.
Jesus, did an elephant just fall out of the sky?
A lot of things happened at once.
Orion positioned himself slightly in front of me, Orpheus said,
"This could go either really well, or really badly." and Andromeda just squealed and clapped her hands.
As I peeped around Orion I came to see probably the most amazing looking person ever.
His upper body was bare and his hair was slightly disheveled. The most prominent thing about him though was the two white wings with streaks of black,adorning his back.
Jesus bloody Christ he is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

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