Still Today: Still Kidnapped (which isn't so bad)

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He walked into the room with confidence, an air of authority. The whole room just stopped, nothing moved. I was fixated, on his beauty, his aura, his presence. I had never been so tuned into anyone before. I was aware of his every move, every flex of a muscle, all of it.
And the smell, he brought with him, a smell of honey and sweetness. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but overall it just made me think of dessert. Really yummy dessert, that I just wanted to eat whole.
This so called Alexius stopped and flexed his muscles, widening his wings to their full length, and then folded them back so that they were behind him neatly.
His body turned, angled towards the bed, angled towards me.
"I want everybody to leave." the voice that escaped his gorgeously shaped plump lips was deep, baritone, I dare say sexy.
Everyone took that as their time to leave, even me. My weak state slowed me down, but as I tried to stand up I felt a breeze and then a touch.
The touch opened up a whole load of senses, at first a jolt stimulating a sort of recognition. I felt like I knew him, knew him for a long time. The second was a wave of connection, I could FEEL him, his mind, his emotions, his soul.
What the hell is going on?
I jolted from my trance, batting away the touch with my hand.
"What, who...what?"
I scrambled to the other side of the bed, feeling as if my mind was being looked into. I don't know how, but I KNEW that he could see into my mind.
I could see into his as well. One word kept replaying in his head,
He was regarding me with a small smile on his lips, and a curious glint in his eyes.
Jesus Christ, this man is beyond beautiful.
His smile widened.
"You must be extremely confused," he started as he sat on the bed not so far away from me, "I'm sure this all must be very new to you, so you are free to ask questions whenever you wish, this is as much your home as it is mine now."
I nod, still staring, kind of half shitting myself and half trying to keep it together.
"First of all I must explain to you what it is that I am, exactly," he cleared his throat, "Man has always known of higher beings, the Paegans worshipped gods of nature, the Egyptians theirs, the Greeks, the Romans, Christians, Catholics, Islam...all these religions, all respecting and abiding by the rules set by their respective Gods."
Oh great, story time.
"But what they didn't know is that they were wrong, in fact the Paegans were as close as anyone has ever gotten, each religion has an element of the truth embedded in it, for instance in each religion there is an idea of a heaven and a hell, forgotten or remembered, happy and sad. This is true in a way, the earth that a being is placed on is a sort of test, a test that determines your place in your next. There are three main places on this plain, The Land of Life, The Land of Souls, and those in Tartarus. The Land of Life is where the good souls go, each having their own job to do, they help run the different worlds, galaxies, universes, for Earth is not the only training ground. In the Land of Life one works for a million or so years, give or take and then retires for the next two."
A million years of work?
What even is this? Why am I not freaking out? I should be freaking out. I should be hyperventilating and banging on doors! A training ground, living on earth wasn't it?! I had to work for a MILLION YEARS after living 80 or so on this planet?! And then what? After 3 million years (3 million!!!) in the Land of Life, then what?
Poof I disintegrate?
Turn into a frog?
I heard laughter,
"You amuse me Thea, I do like listening to your thoughts."
"Yeah, well, it's an invasion of privacy so, knock it off." I snap back. I can't believe this jerk is making fun of me while I'm trying to process this bundle of craziness.
"Well?" I say suggestively.
"Well, what?" He answers, "you have requested that I not read your mind so I am at loss as to what you are referring to."
Smart arse.
"Well, what happens after the 3 million years?"
He nods in understanding.
"Your soul needs a rest," I raise my eyebrows, "there is a plain, even greater than ours, though it is not so much a plain, more a state of being. Us Gods call her Vita, for she is the bringer of life. You see, things are in a constant cycle. Vita provides you a chance to prove yourself on your planets, and then a chance to give back, and through all of this she will learn, and she will assess how long a rest your soul will have, and what course you shall take in your next cycle."
This is a shit load of information for me to intake.
"I...I, so... after your soul has had a rest then, you''re just born back into life again?"
"Yes." he replies nodding his head.
"Then what's the point?"
He looks taken aback by the question.
"What's the point of what?"
"What's the point of the cycle, why live for millions of years just so that you can die and go through the same thing again?"
A frown is suddenly placed on his face.
"We do not ask questions like that here, we are given a purpose and we fur fill it."
"Then how do I come in? Do Gods live for 3 million years as well, if you're my soul half, do I live for 3 million years and then die without you?" I blurt out, forgetting about his curt replies. I was too fascinated by a world I never knew existed to even realise there was something deeper going on here.
"First of all to understand me, you must understand the two other plains. Tartarus, a plain for the revolters, those who do not deserve a place neither in the Land of Life, nor the Land of the Souls. Those who failed training on earth live out their 3 million years in a world where there is no peace of mind. See, Vita is a kind being, if, in your first life on the training plain you fail, you are a bad person and your soul becomes tainted, then she gives you another life on the plain, in fact she gives you three to redeem yourself, if you do not purify your soul, then you are sent to Tartarus. As a result of this, many of the souls in Tartarus are not in punishment because of the failure of the training plain. Why, you ask? Well, the body that a soul forms may change in every life, but the soul itself learns. It learns from the mistakes it has made in past lives and, just like a sanctioned child, seeks to gain favour with those it has upset. Very rarely does a soul stay tainted for three lives."
What is it with these people and the number three?
That earns another amused chuckle.
"Tartarus is mostly filled with the souls who tried to gain access to Atlas - where Vita abides, in order to over throw her. Even those are given another chance, after their long sleep."
Wow, this is some next level shit.
"That is where I come in, Tartarus, however secure it is, from time to time is breached, mainly from the outside,
And Souls of Tartarus, or SATs as my team like to call them, are let loose. They're not beings with forms of any kind, but they often are able to cling to an individual and influence their behaviour, mostly through the controlling of emotions. Hate, Jealousy, Greed, souls with immense power create wars, unrest, sadness, times of distress. My team is one of two, that operate to seek out an destroy these souls, forever. "
"So, those people that I just saw, they're your team?"
"Correct." He answers.
"So, what's the Land of the Souls for?"
He nods,
"I suppose you could say that it is a purgatory of some kind. Souls that have had to live two lives on the training plain mostly come here. We are soldiers of some sort, our main goal is to destroys SATs, it's just that some people, like my team, volunteer." He finishes.
"So, what about you? Did you volunteer." I ask shuffling closer.
His back tenses, and his eye twitches.
"Next question." he replies, curt and gruff.
I feel slightly hurt that he doesn't want to share things with me, but then again we have only known each other for about an hour.
"And the other team?" I ask, trying to salvage the situation.
"Calandra's team, she governs -"
"The Land of Life," I finish, "yeah, I know, Orion told me."
He looks at me, impressed.
"So this only leads me to ask, what part do you play in all of this?" I incline my head towards him and rest my gaze of his beautiful wings and then his angelic face.
"Well, to put it in it's simplest form: I run the Land of the Souls, and hunt baddie SATs."
I smile slightly at his mini joke.
"Sooo...why am I your soul-half and do I live forever?" I ask finally, after a long staring contest with my beautiful counter part.
"You are my soul-half because Vita saw it fit, you are either most like me, or most unlike me, either or, will teach me to be a better person. The same goes for you, I am yours because I complete your soul, as you do mine."
That has got to be the cutest thing anyone has ever said to me, and I'm not a mooshy person, but that just made my insides melt.
"And no, us gods have an extended amount of time, but we cannot cheat our sleep." he finishes.
Errmm, that doesn't suit me.
"But what if I like being alive with you, do I still get to have you as my soul-half when I wake up?" I ask, feeling slightly irritated by this small fact.
His face becomes serious and he crawls to my side, brushing a hair out of my face.
"Soul-halfs are not ever separated, even in their sleep they are kept together," he looks me in the eye, "I will never be leaving your side."
Okay, that's it. This guy is perfect. It's settled, I'm taking him home to meet mum and dad.
Is it raining elephants today or what?
Instantly Alex tenses and his eyes glass up.
Great, the moment is ruined.
In an instant Alex is up and his wings are widened in what I think is a gesture of shielding on my behalf.
Who is he hiding me from?
I see a pair of legs waltz into the room, I'm kinda not concentrating seeing as Alex has a freaking amazing back that I can't stop staring at.
"Hello brother." the other person says. I already don't like the man, whoever it is. He has that deep voice that sounds kinda like he's been cutting people in his basement the whole day.
"Ares." Alex says.
Ares? As in THE Ares. Oh this I have got to see.
I slowly get up and walk up to Alexius, pulling down one of his wings to reveal, another huge man with wings.
Dark hair and brown eyes, the man stood at about 6"4 just a couple of inches shorter than Alex. He wasn't just tall either, he was broad, the kind of too-much broad where it doesn't look nice anymore, but plain ew. He wore white trousers and a huge smirk.
"So," Ares broke the silence, "this is the little girl everyone has been making a fuss about"
Little girl? Little? I'll freakin' show you little when I pop a gun off up in your arse.
"Woah, I can see that you two are well suited, and that english accent...damn, where can I get me some of that."
It took me a while to realise that I had spoken out loud, and that I was treading on this ice here.
There was a growl that resonated throughout the room.
"You do not touch her, if by any circumstance you lay one finger on her I will make sure you rue it for the rest of your existence."
Well, shit.
he acted a lot differently around other people than he did around me.
Which, bad as it may sound, made me feel really good. I made him a better person, which counts for something right?
"Well, I can see that I have interrupted something, miss puppy face over here obviously wants to jump you, what shade of aura is that? Red? Or pink? I'm going for a halfway. Yeah, she definitely wants to spread her legs for you mate." He was addressing Alex, but staring at me in a challenging way.
Did he just seriously say that?!
Okay that's it.
I was going to throw the closest object at the guy, but Alex beat me to it.
He flew across the room and slammed Ares into a wall,
"Don't you ever, ever talk to my soul-half like that again, that's a hundred years of no sleep."
"What?!" I looked at Ares,
"Can he even do that?!"
I then looked at my mate,
"Can you even do that?"
"It wouldn't be the first time, he once gave me 400 years, but that was for what I did to Calandra." Ares says.
Jealousy. I was jealous that Alex was so angry at what Ares had done to another girl, that he punished him for 400 and mine was only 100 years.
What is wrong with me. Snap out of it.
"Ooooooo someone's jeeeaaalous." I heard Ares dragging out.
"No I'm not." I grumble, crossing my arms and looking away.
"You so are, you're aura is all purple and I can see your emotions clear as day."
Alex slammed Ares against the wall again.
"Stop invading her mind." he says.
"Okay, okay, jeez, you're so cranky." Ares says, he then looks towards me.
"There's no need to be jealous cup cake, I am mated to Calandra, we consummated our love and everything," he winked and raised his eyebrows suggestively, "I did a few things that I'm not proud of, and now I have to dance around and be a bounty hunter for your man here."
I looked at them both.
"Alex let go of Ares." I say walking forward. Alex obliges and Ares irritatingly decides to add his ten cents worth,
"Well that's the first time I've EVER seen Alex do something someone else has told him to do."
"Shut up Ares" I say curtly. Alex smugly smiles at Ares.
"So let me get this straight, Ares, you're soul-half is Calandra and because you fucked up, you are serving your million years here, with Alex, who also hates you."
"My, my, I do believe we have a genius in our midst." Ares says jokingly.
"Oh shut up you idiot." and despite the fact that he's irritating in every sense of the word, I begin to warm to him.
"Leave, Ares" Alex says.
Ares obliges with a small salute, going out onto the balcony and jetting off into the sky.
I watch him go. Smiling a little,
"He cheated on Calandra." I hear Alex say.
"What?" I turn around shocked.
"With a human girl no less." He adds.
"What?" I ask again, shocked even more by what he said the second time.
"I'm human, does that make me any less important?" I say, frankly hurt by his words.
"No, that's not what I meant, it's just that," he breaths out heavily, "to have a god as a mate and then to throw it away by cheating on her with some human" he emphasises human, again, like we're below him, I'm sure that's not the way he meant to say it, but it's the way that it came out, and it hurt. I've only known the guy for so long, and look what has happened. My emotions are all jumbled up.

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