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I know that Alexius hadn't intentionally set out to hurt me with that comment, but somehow it struck straight home. He seemed to regard humans as lesser beings, and for that I suddenly felt very inadequate. I was already feeling deflated about the fact that Alex was a walking Adonis and he was stuck with frumpy little ol' me, and to add to all my insecurities 'human' was now on the list. Now that, I really couldn't fix.

I was in the middle of wallowing in self pity when there was a thump outside on my balcony, which had seemingly recently become a landing strip for any and every angel that saw it fit to use.

I quickly learnt that every one on the land of souls had a nice set of wings adorning their backs, each distinct in their own way, whether that be in shape or in colour. Everyone except me that is, because I'm human, if I hadn't of known before, Alex kindly threw that disgusting fact back in my human face, so that I'm fully aware of it now.

For the second time in the day I come face to face with the one and only Ares. He waltzes into my room as if he owned it and plumps - more like flings - himself onto the bed, sprawling out like a massive cat.

If I didn't feel ugly before, I sure felt like shrek now. The man was effortlessly perfect in every way. His muscles, although in my opinion too big, fit his frame in such a splendid, lethal way. His presence called for attention whenever he was in a room, and I have no doubt that it was given to him with no reservations. His brown boyish hair fell over his forehead in a careless kind of way that seemed to compliment his boy like features. His dark blue eyes contrasted his brown hair in a mesmerizing way, and his lips remained curled in that self confident smirk that he always wore.

"Don't be sad, little grasshopper, he didn't mean it, he says idiotic things a lot of the time -all the time actually - the down side to not having a filter." I'm slightly shocked to see him here, to console me no less. Returning his gaze, I see that he regards me with sympathy and a glean of mischievousness.

"Ares, I'm not sure that you can criticize him for his lack of filter when you never censor anything you say." he laughs slightly, so do I, and after a while we fall into a comfortable silence.

"I wanted to say sorry for earlier," he suddenly pipes up. I frown slightly, I mean, Ares has a big mouth, but I don't remember him being that rude in our last encounter. As if reading my mind he continues saying,

"I have a special gift of reading people's aura's," he says propping himself up on one elbow, "I can see that yours is blue, means you're sad about something, or someone in this case,

"Every person has slightly different auras, normally, soul-halves are tuned into each other more, but I can always read what everyone is feeling, it can be useful at times, and sometimes it can be a nuisance,

"when I came in today to you and Alex together, with your aura being a delicious shade of pink - means you're turned on, by the way -"

"I was not!" I say embarrassed, cutting him off. He laughs at me,

"There is no need to be shy about it, you are soul-halfs after all, the aura does not lie, so don't you lie either." I bow my head, with my cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"I saw that shade and the way that you looked at Alex and it instantly reminded me of when Cal-" he seems to stop himself from saying anything else. I understood what he wanted to say. It reminded him of his own soul-half, and it made him miss her, in turn he took out his annoyance on me. Although I understood his reasoning, I couldn't quite make myself feel sorry for him, as he had brought this upon himself by cheating on Calandra. Again as if reading my mind, he goes on to explain himself,

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