New girl

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Monday came too soon after having fun with BTS on Saturday and dance practice on Sunday. As I walked into the classroom, people were already whispering about this new girl.

Even Jin was talking about her,
"I heard that she's fluent in Spanish" he told me. Everyone quietened down when the teacher, Miss Button, walked in. A girl with long brown hair followed her, she kept her eyes on the ground shyly.

"This is Charlotte" Miss Button said, the girl beside her smiled slightly.
"You can go sit next to Jimin" She said, pointing. Jimin waved as Charlotte walked through a sea of stares towards him.

When lunch came, she looked a bit nervous leaving the classroom. I waved bye to Suga and followed her out,
"Hi" I said. She jumped a little but laughed,
"Hi" she said.

"I'm y/n" I told her,
"You probably already know, I'm Charlotte" she replied smiling.
"Wanna eat lunch with me?" I asked, she nodded gratefully and I lead her to the roof, where she wouldn't be crowded with people.

We sat on a bench and talked for a while, she was really friendly.
"You know how many rumours there are about you, right?" I joked.
"Oh no, what are they?" She asked, blushing slightly.
"You speak fluent Spanish, and you have an older boyfriend" I said. This made her laugh.

"None of that is true. I do speak Korean though" she told me,
"Impressive" I said. I always wanted to speak a different language, we were forced to learn German at school but I had never been good at it.

"We'd better get back, but here's my number, text me after school" she said handing me a piece of paper.
"Ok" I replied, and we went back to class. Suga looked surprised to see me and Charlotte together but I smiled at him.

I watched as Suga slightly stared at Charlotte when she went to her seat, well Suga and most people in the room. I went up to him and grabbed his face with my hand,
"Stop staring" I whispered and then walked away.

After school Suga and I went to my house together, I texted Charlotte as we walked.

Y/n- hiii it's me :)

Charlotte- hi me :P

I laughed aloud at her joke and Suga gave me a look.
"Who are you texting?" He asked, trying to take my phone from me.
"Charlotte" I said, slapping his hand away.
"Y/n, I have something to tell you, about Charlotte" he said, I looked at him as he stopped walking.

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