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I turned off the lights and left the building. Dancing hadn't helped get my mind off Suga, but I doubted anything would. I looked at the time 4:45, if I went home the normal way I would be late. I decided to take a short cut.

I know you should never go through alleyways, especially when it's getting dark, but I didn't have much of a choice. Suga would get worried if I was late, and I also desperately wanted to make sure he was ok.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Very loud footsteps. I peeked back and no one was there, but when I faced forwards again a figure stood in my way. Just my luck, I should have seen this coming.

"Stay away from my man" Lacey said from behind me.
"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked, adrenaline making me feel brave for a second. There were 4 of them now, forcing me towards the wall, my bravery was diminishing quickly. All she did was laugh, a horrid, evil laugh. I saw their hands, or what was in their hands.

One of them brought up a blade to my arm, by now I was against the wall, waiting for an opportunity to strike. They drew blood and kept cutting into me, but I was still patiently waiting for Lacey to come forward.
"Don't look at her" one of them spat, shoving me against the wall, my arms scraped against the rough bricks behind me.

Then Lacey took one step forwards, but that was enough to give me an opportunity. I kneed her where no one wants to be kneed and she fell to the ground in pain.

The rest of them came at me, anger etched onto their faces. I'm going to give them nicknames to help explain this: Pink, Blue and Orange. I kicked blue in the shin, then twisted her arm and took the knife from her grip. I threw it on the ground far away, I didn't want to associate with that kind of violence.

Pink and Orange both looked at me, but I didn't give them the chance to do anything before I attacked. I punched pink in the face, knocking her to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lacey beginning to stand so I decided it was time to get out of there.

Orange hit me in the eye, making me stumble a bit, but I managed to shove her out of my way and bolted out of the alley, grateful for only a few injuries, but my eye really stung.
"You'll regret this" Lacey yelled. I ignored her and continued rushing home, I really was late now.

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