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Suga was still eating breakfast when I got home, Jimin had left about ten minutes before. I sorted out the food I had bought and started explaining it all to Suga.

Then I grabbed an old recipe book and started preparing the food for dinner.
"Why can't we do this later?" Suga groaned, watching as I started cutting up vegetables.
"We have guests to entertain later, so it's easier if we do this bit now" I told him.

He ended up helping me, though he was grumbling as we worked. When we finished that part I realised that we hadn't actually asked his parents to come round yet.
"You should Just text them, they are your parents" I said.
"Yes but what do I say?" He asked.
"Just ask them to come round, don't say anything else, we don't want to give it away yet" I told him.

He sent them the text and then we got ready for them to arrive. I got changed into a dress that Ming had bought me, he always had the best taste in clothes. Then I did my makeup how Mino had taught me, she had always wanted to show someone how to do makeup and I gladly volunteered.

Suga was wearing the exact same thing as before, but he had mint green hair now.
"You had time to dye your hair?" I asked, ruffling it with my hand slightly.
"Yeah, you take a long time to get ready" he teased, pushing my hand away and fixing his hair
"You would if you actually tried" I said, pointing out his outfit.

"I like what I wear" he protested. I smiled at him,
"So do I, but you better wear a tux to our actual wedding, and not something you like wearing instead" I joked. His jaw dropped and he stared at me.
"I'm kidding" I said, a little hurt. I turned and walked away, going to wait by the door.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I would happily marry you" he said, jogging to catch up to me.
"What?" I asked, a little shocked.
"Well, I want to marry you someday. Don't you want to marry me?" He asked.
"Of course I do" I replied, hugging him tightly.

Our moment was ruined by a knock on the door, I kissed him and then we opened the door and greeted his parents.

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