━ chapter two!

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( in an hour, sunflower )


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OCTAVIA COULDN'T FOCUS ON ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE SMELL OF HAIR DYE. The scent of chemicals with a small mix of vanilla surrounded her as she sat on the bathroom counter, watching Vida put on her "war paint," as she liked to call it. Splotches of blue had made its way onto Vida's face, but the girl hadn't noticed and both Octavia and Jude kept it to themselves as they both held back smiles. This had become a monthly thing for the three teens, Vida because her blue hair was sacred, Octavia because she wanted to make sure the girl didn't pass out from the smell, and Jude simply because he was bored.

"Can you do my hair next?" Jude asked from the spot on the floor he was sitting. Vida simply scoffed and ignored him, which only led him to pout.

"Cate would kill us, Jude. Besides, blue isn't really your color," Octavia replied.

"Um, I beg to differ. I think I look great in blue!" Jude said while he points proudly to his blue jeans with a smug smile. Octavia can't help but laugh at just how innocent he was, she always found herself enjoying his company just for the sake that somehow kids like him still existed in this more than awful world that they found themselves living in.

"What do you think, Vi? Think he looks good blue? Or should we try a pink dye—"

"No!" Jude yelled, eyes wide. "I don't want pink hair."

Vida finished rinsing all the extra dye out of her hair before giving the boy a once over, seemingly thinking about what Octavia said. "Come on, Judith. Blue would look okay, but you could totally pull off pink. A real mans color."

Jude continued to shake his head, not picking up on either of the girls sarcasm. "Now, I don't actually have any pink dye but I have red, and a light blonde, so we could for sure mix them together to make pink, isn't that right, girlfriend?" Vida asked Octavia, who nodded in return.

"For sure. It would look really cool, Jude."

Before anyone could say anything else Jude had already unlocked the bathroom door and bolted for it. "You can run, but I know where you sleep, Judith!" Vida yelled after him. "You will have pink hair by morning!"

A scream was heard down the hall, followed by a worried, "Nico, help me! Vida's gonna dye my hair!"

Octavia shook her head with a roll of her eyes. "Great job, Vi. As if the kid needed another reason to be scared to fall asleep."

"He'll get over it, and if not he will pass out eventually," Vida shrugged, before walking out of the bathroom. Octavia was about to joke back before a throat was cleared behind them. They turned to see one of the agents, Jarvin, and he did not look happy.

"Would you kids stop messing around and get to work?" He scolded, before turning his gaze to Octavia. "Stewart's looking for you, he's taking you to your Op. Get moving."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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