Crush Culture (Bakugo x Reader)

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(Note: The Villain League doesn't appear in here, so it's all fluff)

Quirk: Flower Power
Depending on your emotions, you can make flowers grow on the ground or on yourself. The flowers have different effects depending on your emotions, which have their upsides and downsides.

Anger - Venus Flytraps/Poison Ivy = Ivy can grow on the ground only and can be used as whips. It can cause severe rashes to both the user and the opponent. Venus Flytraps can only grow on you, specifically, your hands. Mostly used for close combat and immobilization since it isn't strong or big enough to cause actual damage, especially to grown adults. Both take up a lot of energy and can cause backlash to the user when destroyed or damaged.

Joy - Chrysanthemum = Can only grow on you, and is your most useful attack. The petals can be used as throwing stars, but removing it is like tearing your skin off.

Sadness - Lillies = Water spouts out of the lillies and gets stronger the sadder you are, but this is the most uncontrollable ability and can get out of hand very easily.

Worry - Irises = Can only grow on the ground, and is the most difficult to grow, which takes up most of your energy. It can bear small fruits that can heal minor wounds, but the fruits tastes disgusting.

Timidity - Orchids = Pretty useless, and appears when you get shy or embarrassed. Only there to make you look cute.

Love - Rose = Only grows on you. Has a sugary scent that can be a great way for tracking you if you get lost. However, the scent has a mix of spores that can cause a bad allergic reaction to anyone who smells it.

Fear - Pink Magnolias = Creates a bountiful amount of spores that can be used as a smoke bomb. Take care not to get it in the user's or other people's eyes since it will blind them for a few minutes.


"Damn shitty hair and Deku, always getting her attention."

Bakugo has always been a brash and mainly rude guy, but there are times where he would want to show a softer side of himself. However, he doesn't seem to know how, especially around you.

You arrived into U.A. a little late into the semester, which was right after the attack in USJ. People were skeptical to send you after that, but you were persistent.

So, you arrived and trained to be a hero. Unfortunately, you didn't get into the famous 1-A, but you got into 1-B, and they've been treating you just as good.

Both Heroics classes have been sent to a training camp where they'll hone their quirks with the help of the Wild, Wild Pussycats. However, it's now night, and your superiors decide that it's best for everyone to let off steam, so they go for a Courage Test!

Everyone was chattering with each other, even the rival classes have merged and began talking to one another. They disregarded their rivalry and decide to be friends for this one night.

Somehow, when you first arrived as a new student, Kirishima decided to show you around when you were lost while Midoriya filled you in on what the school and faculty was like. People from 1-B acted as your way of communicating while you adjusted since you were a bit shy.

And by a bit, I meant a lot.

As for Bakugo? You never went a few feet near him, afraid of his brash and short tempered attitude. However, he wanted to speak to you at least once.
He didn't want to tell anyone, but you impressed him in the Sports Festival with your quick and strategic planning. Your quirk was unmatched, and he wanted to tell you that... and maybe, just maybe, he could be friends with you.

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