I'd Rather Just Remember How You Smile (Iida x Reader)

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Not entirely sure if there's angst present here but it's way more tense than the other two chapters I published. Hope you enjoy either way!


Quirk: Ax Hands
Just as the name says, your hands can into axes of any size. However, they still have weight, so the bigger it is, the more you have to excerpt your energy and arm strength. It also affects your speed.

It really hurts when a loved one gets into some sort of accident. People constantly say that to each other, but you? You've never felt anything like that. Your life is happy and quaint with an occasional villain attack that your parents deal with. You're known around for always smiling in the darkest situations because that's how you've lived your whole life.

So, when Iida's brother, Tensei, was attacked by the Hero Killer Stain, you didn't sense that something was wrong until it was too late.

Midoriya felt the same. However, unlike you, he already knew, but didn't want to mess with someone else's problems, no matter how much he wanted to.

As of now, you, your classmates and the class of 1-B are currently working through your internships. After a busy day working with Kamui Woods, the hero you interned for, you decided to give Midoriya a call just to check up on him.

"Hey, Midoriya!" You cheerfully greet once he answers the phone. "How's your internship going?"

"It's going good, (Name)!" The green haired boy replied in a hushed tone. "I'm riding a train at the moment, so I'm not supposed to be talking right now."

"Blah, kids these days with their newfangled technology... they don't even pay attention! Hey, kid, don't you know that we're not supposed to use our phones on the train?" An elderly voice you didn't recognize spoke faintly in the background. It's probably the Pro Hero he's with, you thought gingerly.

Midoriya apologized to whomever was next to him before talking to you again. "Sorry, (Name), can we talk later? Gran Torino's getting mad at me."

You apologized back to him with a smile. "Don't worry, broccoli! I just wanted to know if you've got any clue where Iida is," you inform him. "I've been chatting him a lot these past few days, and he's acting really strange. He's quieter than usual, actually. Today, he hasn't even replied. His last message to me is that he's heading somewhere." You stay silent for a little while before speaking up again. "I'm just kinda worried, that's all."

Midoriya couldn't help but smile a slight bit. Iida has taken a little liking to you ever since you helped him calm everyone down during the panic attack in U.A. caused by the onslaught of nosy reporters. Your happy-go-lucky and positive personality has an effect on people, and it shows when you make even people as emotionless as Todoroki smile for a split second.

After a while, he replied to you. "I'm sure he's okay..." Was he? Midoriya wasn't too sure about what he was saying. "Don't worry, I'll check on him in a- what the?!"

Your eyes widened as you heard the green haired boy's surprised yelp. You put your phone on speaker and listen closely. People were screaming and calling for help while others were yelling and instructing on what to do. You might've thought that the train abruptly stopped, but when you heard that monstrous noise that sounded so inhumane, you realized that this was a much bigger threat. "Midoriya?"

The call ended, and you're left with tense silence with a question swimming through your mind. What was that?

Just before you could call anyone else from your class to check up on them and possibly gain insight on where the class representative is, Kamui Woods walked over to you.

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