Chapter 1: Sex is the new Love

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Song: Power & Control by Marina and the Diamonds

Love was a preposterous, overused noun. I did not believe in it. It was suitable for novels and movies, not for real life. Human beings were imbeciles who built relationships based on this ridiculous concept called love.

My parents were among those imbeciles. They got married thinking they were in love. If there had been love, my father would not have filed for divorce six months after I was born. If there had been love, he would not have cheated on my mother with a Ukrainian prostitute he met in a bar.

After the divorce, he showed up once in a blue moon, usually drunk, fucked my mother, and left her after fulfilling his needs. This pathetic woman ended up heartbroken and crying her eyes out every time. She never learned her lesson and fell for the same mistake over and over again. She hoped that one day her good-for-nothing ex-husband would realize his mistakes and come back to her. The only things this vile man knew were alcohol, sex, and destruction. He never loved her, and she was deranged to think he had ever loved her.

My mother could not bring herself to blame him for what he had done to her. So I became her target. From the day I could remember, she hated me and blamed me for everything that had gone wrong in her life. She believed that her husband had left her because of me. I wish you had never been born; those words were my favorite words from her. I should get a tattoo of that quote.

At least my incompetent parents did two things right in their miserable lives. They had screwed without a condom the night I was conceived, and they had passed on good genes to me.

I was 5 ft 7 (172 cm) tall and had long brown hair, green eyes, and full lips. I had a well-toned body and a waist shaped like a Coke bottle. Most people would kill for my looks, but they did not see the downside of it. Both men and women desired me for my looks. No one bothered to look beyond that.

Although I knew that love was not real, I was once seduced by this poisonous concept at the age of 15. I met a boy at school whom I liked for some unknown reason. He deluded me into thinking he was the one for me and I ended up losing my virginity to him. When I refused to have sex with him because I was on my period, he dumped me on the spot and told me he had other girls who could fuck him better than I ever could. He had played with me just to brag at school that he had taken my virginity.

In the years that followed, I learned more valuable lessons about the opposite sex. Men were only interested in a plump ass, perky tits, and a hole to fuck. Sex was power. So I used my body to get ahead in life.

As soon as I turned 18, I moved out of that hellhole called home and started my career as a model. I am not ashamed to say I slept my way to the top. Men thought they could play me, but I learned to play them ten times better.

Now I am a supermodel known for my wild lifestyle, attitude problem, and multiple sexual partners. In my industry, you had to be a bitch to get to the top and stay there, because the competition in this business was fierce. That was the card life had dealt me, and I took it upon myself to make the most of it. I lived fast, played hard, and was unstoppable. I slept with whoever I wanted and dumped their ass whenever I wanted. I fucked, but I never gave a fuck. I must have inherited this personality trait from my father. God bless his rotten soul.

To the outside world, my life looked crazy, but to me, it made perfect sense. I was not ashamed of my lifestyle. As a model, I made more money than anyone else. I traveled the world and could buy anything I wanted. My fans worshiped me, and that was enough.

Was I happy? Happiness was another stupid concept that people had come up with. I, Angel Cruz, believed in sex and satisfaction.

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The first chapter of Love and Seduction was thoroughly revised. My English was not so good at that time.

Angel came about because I wanted to write about a different kind of female lead. And believe me, this woman will give you a hell of a ride.

People have asked me in the past what Angel looks like. To me, she resembled the woman on the cover, but I could not put a face on Angel because I had not previously found a woman who fit the image I had of Angel. It was not until I saw some pictures of Sara Sampaio. She matches 90% of the image I have of Angel Cruz.

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Lora ♥

Edited 14/02/2023

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