Chapter 9: Finish what you started

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Song: Bad Intentions by Niykee Heaton

I entered my dressing room, closed the door behind me, and leaned against it for a few seconds. My cheeks were flushed and my body craved sex. The moisture between my thighs reminded me of his well-toned body on top of me. Neymar started it and Neymar should finish it, I concluded.

I went to his dressing room and entered without knocking. I found Neymar standing in front of the mirror, fixing his hair. He was wearing his briefs.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked in surprise, turning to me.

"Finish what you started," I demanded.

Neymar looked lost. I stepped closer to him as he took a few steps back. He stopped because he bumped into a cabinet behind him. I turned my gaze to his briefs and saw he was semi-hard. I looked into his hazel green eyes and deliberately bit my lower lip.

His muscles tensed. His breathing quickened. For a second or two, he seemed to be struggling inside, but then he grabbed me by the hips and pushed me onto the dressing table, sweeping everything off the table with one sweep. He kissed me roughly on the lips. I returned his kiss and our tongues fought for dominance. I felt his erection against my thighs and longed to feel his cock inside me.

Neymar pulled down his briefs, pushed up my chemise, and entered me with one swift thrust. I cried out and buried my nails in his back at the sudden intrusion. His grip around my waist was firm, as were his thrusts. We kissed fiercely as my orgasm built.

'I am about to cum," I moaned.

Neymar fucked me harder, making me cry out loud as I came hard. My limbs trembled and my heart raced like crazy.

Neymar's thrusts slowed and with one last thrust, he too came with a satisfied groan. We were both out of breath and lay together on the table recovering from our orgasms.

"Shit," Neymar cursed.


"That should not have happened."

"It was just sex."

"You are on birth control pills, are not you?" he asked, well aware that he had not used a condom.

"Yeah, I am not stupid," I said, rolling my eyes.

He sighed in relief and grabbed his briefs off the floor. He put them on and sat down on a chair, his hands in his hair. I stood up and went to the bathroom to clean myself.

When I returned, I found him sitting there looking miserable.

"For God's sake, pull yourself together," I scoffed.

"This is your fault. You are not an angel, you are the devil herself," Neymar said as if disgusted with me.

"Why the hell are you blaming me when you wanted to have sex with me from the beginning?" I frowned and put a hand on my hip.

"You planned this. You wanted to seduce me."

"Even if I wanted to, you were so easy," I winked with a smirk.

"You are unbelievable!"

"Unbelievable in bed, you mean?"

He ignored the remark. "Aren't you with Cristiano? Why do you sleep with everyone?"

"My relationship with Cristiano is none of your business. And I do not sleep around with just anyone."

"First you tried to sleep with Rafinha and now you have slept with me."

"What is it to you? It's not like you only ever have one sexual partner. You also sleep with random models."

"I used to do that when I was young and stupid, but I am not like that anymore."

"Yeah right, not anymore!" I scoffed sarcastically.

Neymar clenched his fists. "You are the devil! You seduce every man who gets in your way."

"Oh wow, blame it on the woman. It was you who tried to fuck me in your bed yesterday. Have you forgotten?"

Neymar jumped up from his chair and angrily gripped my wrist tightly.

"You planned this! You are playing a sick game! You are disgusting!" he growled.

He hurt my wrist. "Let go of me! You are hurting me, asshole!"

Neymar let go of my wrist. I rubbed the sore spot and shot daggers at him.

"If you find me so disgusting, why did you fuck me and moan my name? You desired me as soon as you saw me, as all men do. I guess your ego is too big to say out loud. Well, you were not that good anyway. I have had better and longer," I laughed.

Neymar gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

When you tell a man that the sex was not that good and compare him to another man, he gets angry quickly, especially when you compare dick sizes. And I did it on purpose.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Shouted Neymar.

"With pleasure. I was done here anyway. I'd like to give you a souvenir, like last time, but I am not wearing one," I grinned and left his room without giving him another glance.

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So Angel got her way with Neymar and now he hates himself for it. Is she winning the game?

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