Chapter 4: Neymar

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Song: Boss B*tch by Doja Cat

I gave Neymar a dirty look. "Were you eavesdropping?"

"What game are you playing?" he asked, frowning.

"I did not know we were playing a game."

"Cristiano Ronaldo is your boyfriend, right?"

"None of your business," I said, walking past him.

He grabbed my arm and stopped me from taking another step. "I was not done talking to you."

"I was done talking to you. Now let go of my arm!"

"What are you doing with Rafinha when you have Cristiano?" he asked instead of letting go of me.

What was wrong with this guy? He was bugging me with his questions. Who I go out with and who I date is none of his business. "As I said, it's none of your fucking business!"

"Rafinha is like a brother to me, so it is my fucking business!"

"He asked me out."

Neymar scanned my face to find out if I was telling the truth. I had to laugh. I do not ask men out. I get them to go out with me.

"Go ask him if you do not believe me. Now let go of my arm! I know I am hot and you want to touch me, but I am not interested," I said, teasing him.

He immediately let go of my arm in shock. I guess he had not expected that.

1-0, for me bitch!

I did a hair flip and strutted off feeling fabulous as I left him behind.

Rafinha smiled as I returned to their table. I shuffled close to him and placed my hand on his thigh.

I was taking a sip of my Cosmo when Neymar returned. He noticed my hand on Rafinha's thigh, and I rubbed it, just to annoy Neymar. His face darkened, while Rafinha's face looked happier than ever. He slid his arm around my waist and looked at me lovingly. I studied his face. He had beautiful lips and I wondered what they tasted like and if he was a good kisser. I guess I would find out tonight. My naughty thoughts made me grin.

"So Angel, aren't you dating Cristiano Ronaldo?" Asked Neymar suddenly, disrupting the moment Rafinha and I were having.

1-1! That fucking son of a bitch! If he wants a dirty fight, he'll get it.

"We broke up," I said dryly.

Rafinha gave Neymar a "what's-wrong-with-you-brother" look.

"Oh, really?" Neymar asked as he grinned at me.

The guys had finished their shots and ordered more while Rafinha had to go to the bathroom. I took a big gulp of my Cosmo to calm my nerves after Neymar's stupid remarks.

"Thirsty, aren't you?" Neymar scoffed.

"Shut the fuck up," I hissed through clenched teeth.

"You look like a lady, but your mouth is just so filthy."

"You provoked me, so take the consequences, asshole."

He glared at me and I turned away from him to finish my Cosmo. I called the waiter to order another. This time it was a man and not that annoying woman.

"Can I have another Cosmo?" I asked with a smoldering smile.

"Of course, Miss Gorgeous," he winked and left our table.

"Was that necessary?" Neymar frowned.

What the hell was his problem?

"Look, I do not know what your problem is, but can you just shut the fuck up? I have had enough of your comments. I am going to do what I want, so deal with it!" I hissed at him.

"Are you always this conceited? I guess it's true what the media says about you."

"Oh, I did not realize you were so obsessed with me. If you want my autograph, just ask, honey, do not be shy!" I laughed haughtily.


He rolled his eyes as the waiter returned with my Cosmo.

"Can I have your autograph?" he asked.

"Of course," I said, and gave him not only an autograph but a kiss on the cheek. He left in a completely dazed state and I grinned to myself as I sipped my drink.

"You are unbelievable!" Neymar exclaimed.

"No one asked you, so shut up!" I said and stood up because I had to go to the bathroom.

I ran into Rafinha in the corridor and he seemed happy to finally have a moment alone with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We looked into each other's eyes and moved closer together. I knew how much he wanted to kiss me and how much he wanted to rip my clothes off, judging by the lustful look in his eyes.

"Rafinha! Sergi and Marc were looking for you. What are you doing here?" a familiar, annoying voice suddenly asked, spoiling the moment for both of us.

Rafinha sighed, took his hands off my waist, and gave me an apologetic look.

2-2 for that asshole!

"I'll see you in the dressing room, Angel?" he mumbled and went to the other guys, leaving that ass Neymar alone with me.

"What's your problem, Neymar? Can't you leave me alone? If you want me so bad, just say so, dear God!" I growled.

"No, I do not want you! I am just looking out for my brother."

"He's not a little kid you have to take care of. He's old enough to make his own decisions. The only person who needs a babysitter is you because you are acting so childish," I scoffed.

He grabbed me by the arm and threatened, "Watch your mouth!"

"Or what? Are you going to go crying to your babysitter?"

"Shut your mouth!"

"Make me!" I challenged him.

He pulled on my arm making me bump into his body. His right hand slid around my waist and gripped it tightly while his other hand held my chin. Our faces were so close that our lips were almost touching. I have to admit that I found this very arousing. I love men who take control of the situation, but I would never admit that to Neymar.

I coughed sarcastically to my right and whispered, "So, who's thirsty now?"

3-2, bitch!

♦ ♦ ♦

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Lora ♥

Edited 14/02/2023

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