Chapter 8: Chemise and briefs

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Song: Fantasy by Timbaland ft. Money

When I arrived at the location of my photo shoot, I was in a bad mood. I tried to stay calm and finished two photo shoots for a fashion magazine. I had only one more left for the day.

"Is the third photo shoot also for a fashion magazine?" I asked my stylist while she was doing my hair.

"Yes, it's with another model," she informed me.

I had to wear a blood red silk chemise with nothing on underneath. The chemise clung to my figure and looked extremely sexy.

After my stylist did my hair and makeup, I walked over to the set for the photo shoot. In the middle of a large room was a white king-size four-poster bed with rose petals spread on and around the bed. It was the perfect backdrop for a romantic photo shoot.

"You look stunning," the photographer praised.

"Thank you very much. And what are we doing today?"

"The male model you'll be working with will be here shortly. It is a love scene that we are planning for the winter lingerie collection. We want it to be sensual and sexy. You can go ahead and lay down on the bed."

I walked over to the bed and made myself comfortable. I saw the photographer turn and greet someone behind him.

"There you are! You can lie down next to her on the bed so we can start shooting."

My eyes almost fell out of their sockets when I saw who the male model was.


Neymar looked equally shocked to see me here. He was wearing a pair of black, tight-fitting briefs.

"This is a football player, not a model," I told the photographer angrily.

He shrugged and said, "Yes, he's a football player and also a model for today's photo shoot."

"Neymar, lie down on the bed next to her. We are about to start."

My bad mood coupled with irritation could not be ignored. Why had not anyone told me that Neymar would be the model? If I had known earlier, I would have canceled this damn photo shoot.

"Neymar, hold her as if you wanted to make love to her. Angel, look him in the eye. We want sensual images."

I swallowed my distaste. It was too late to leave now. Neymar shuffled hesitantly closer to me.

"Let us get this over with," I groaned because I did not feel like working on this shoot for hours.

He held me as instructed and we looked into each other's eyes.

"Okay, perfect! Now put one of your hands on her thigh and move your head closer to her lips."

My body tensed and I could feel him tensing as well. I shuddered when I felt his cold hand on my thigh.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Neymar's eyes shot at me like daggers.

"Shut up and let us get this over with," I whispered through clenched teeth.

"Guys, concentrate! Angel, straddle him and put your hands on his abs," instructed the photographer.

I did not want to follow the instructions, but as a professional, I had to pull myself together and do what was expected of me. I was uncomfortable sitting on Neymar without wearing anything under my chemise. As soon as I sat on Neymar, he wriggled uncomfortably under me.

"Can you please hold still?" the photographer said to Neymar.

I felt Neymar get a hard-on as I basically sat on his briefs. Neymar had a flustered look on his face. I smiled and changed my sitting position, putting my hands on his abs and gently stroking his skin.

"That's perfect! Keep it that way," said the photographer with a thumbs up.

Neymar could not do anything about his boner, and seeing him so helpless under me made me feel victorious. After what he had said to me earlier in the elevator, he deserved this embarrassment.

"Neymar, sit on Angel now."

Neymar did as he was told and one of the assistants covered us up to the waist with a crisp white sheet.

"We need some shots that look like you are making love. So make it believable and then we can call it a day," the photographer said.

"If you hate sluts, why are you aroused?" I whispered in his ear as we both got into position.

"Shut up. I just want to get this over with," he groaned.

"I can feel it."

"Stop it, Angel."

His hard-on pressing against my thighs distracted me, and the fact that we were looking into each other's eyes was not helping either of us. I did not want to get aroused, but I could not stop it.

His well-toned body pressed against mine, and the fact that I was not wearing anything under my chemise set my hormones on fire. My nipples hardened as they rubbed against his chest.

"Stop it," he growled softly in my ear as the camera continued to flash.

"Stop what?"

"Pressing your thighs against me." Arousal resonated in his voice.

"You should stop your erection."

"Guys? I said we are done. We got the shots we needed. Thank you very much, you guys were fantastic. You can go change now," the photographer said cheerfully.

We looked up in surprise at the photographer, who now had a small grin on his face. Neymar got off me, took the bed sheet, and wrapped it around himself to cover his erection. He hurried into his locker room without saying a single word.

I went back to my locker room feeling hot, wet, and aroused. I hated that bastard and his guts, but I could not deny that he was hot.

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The photoshoot left Angel and Neymar hot and bothered, how about you? ;)

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