Day XVI: Shopping

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"And I want it custom made, too." Tony hummed at the shop owner who took down yet another suit order. Steve stood at his side, feeling underdressed compared to this type of town; He wore jeans and a tight fitting shirt while the others wore suits, ties, and fancy leather Italian shoes. Needless to say, they were upperclass. I guess that's what Steve gets for marrying a billionaire.

"Custom? Really?" Steve murmured, raising an eyebrow. Tony looked over his shoulder, smiling. "Well, what can I say? I'm a man of class. Only the finest cloth will ever touch my body." Steve rolled his eyes playfully. "Says the one who always asks for one of my shirts." Tony turned slightly red. "As I said- finest of clothes." He turned back to the cashier and continued his talk.


"Where next?" Tony hummed, holding onto Steve's hand as they walked the mall. Steve simply shrugged; He didn't really have a choice, honestly. Tony dragged him to go shopping.

The mall was littered with Christmas decor. Every corner you turned, there was a small Christmas tree decorated to the top in red and green. Everyone was bundled up in their warm clothes and had their partner shopping with them- willing or unwilling. It was truly Christmas time, as cheesy as it might sound.

"I dunno." Steve hummed. "Wherever you want, I suppose. You're the shopping addict, after all." Tony huffed, looking at the taller man. "Am not!"

"Really? How many things have you bought already?"

Tony went silent for a moment before muttering under his breath.
"Shut up."

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