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It has been two years since the war ended, everything well almost everything was peaceful, everyone was happy that the war ended to sum up almost everything was okay for some people. On the other hand there were the others, miserable ones, hurt ones, broken ones...

It was a Friday afternoon and everything was going as it was planned. Harry and Hermione were on a business trip at Canada and they weren't coming for a week. Well at least it was supposed to be a week untill they planned on surprising the Weasley family by turning two days earlier than expected...

As soon as Hermione and Harry had entered the train they found a compartment to sit. They quickly found one and got into it. There was never a silence between the two when it comes to talking. Well not just talking, everything. They were just perfect for eachother as siblings. Actually they were. They always thought like they were siblings so there were no secret between them. Once they start talking no-one could stop them. As always Harry started talking as he threw himself to one side of the compartment and Hermione to the other side.

"You know, we're so lucky to have eachother..." Harry said with an exhausted expression.

"Yeah, Harry... I know. You have been repeating that sentence every single minute. However, it's not that I don't like it... You know me so well. But there is a weirdness, don't you think there is something is wrong? I don't even know what but..." Hermione complimented her best friend and that turned her gaze outside the window seemed a little stressed.

"I didn't understand if that was a compliment or not but yeah I know you more than you know yourself..." Harry gave out a little sigh and continued "Well, yes... I don't know but I think I exactly fell like there is something going on. Neither I don't know it... I just hope there is nothing bad." he turned to his sleepy friend and couldn't help but thought if there was something bothering her. He didn't even think and asked "Mione... Is something bothering you?" he gave her a little comforting smile
and wait for her to answer.

"I... I don't know, Harry... I feel like- I feel like there is something going on with Ron-" she stopped for a moment but then decided to continue "and I was curious. Well it's not something usual... I just don't understand him lately... I don't know if I did something wrong but what would I do? I don't even have much time to talk to him like we were at the old days..." Hermione said as she was trying to hold her tears.

Harry could see that her eyes were filling with tears and she was trying to hold them but he knew that she couldn't hold them so much more. He tried to comfort her by standing and sitting next to her closely. He hugged her as she finally let all the tears fell down from her light pink cheeks. He couldn't help but let some tears drop from his jaw, directly to Hermione's shoulder. That was reminding him the time when Ginny and him decided to be best friends instead of being a couple for a while. However, it wasn't hurting at all he really liked Ginny as a best friend. He was just getting suspecius from Ron's behaviours... What if his thoughts were right. He wouldn't even imagine but also couldn't help thinking about Ron cheating on Hermione.


After about one and half hour Hermione fell asleep on Harry's shoulder with puffy and a little red eyes from crying. She was exhausted after all. She had been working so much lately. He tried stopping her several times but it was useless. She was Hermione Granger. It was bloody impossible to get her from working. He gently let her to his lap and started rubbing her head slowly and gently.


When the train stopped Harry woke Hermione up and help her out. As soon as they had exited the train lots of reporters started running to their side. They completely forgot about being a war hero and heroine was difficult. They politely answer some questions and pass through the others before it turned to something else. They took their luggages and hook their arms to apparated in front of the Burrow. They looked at each other and walked trough the door. Harry knocked the door and Ginny's voice came through their ears. "Coming!" As Ginny opened the door there was a bright smile on her lips. She jumped on Hermione and hugged her as tight as she could and finally let go while Hermione was begging for her to stop when she couldn't able to get any oxygen. She let go and Hermione took a deep breath, then three of them laughed. Ginny than turned to Harry and hugged him and whispered something to his ear as his gaze looked down at his feet. She gently kissed Harry's cheek to comfort him as he looked so pale and a small smile appeared on his lips. Untill Ginny's words came back to his mind.
"There's something wrong with Ron. He hasn't come from his room since this morning." He was scared. What if- what if... Oh! Don't be stupid Harry, Ron would never do something like that. Harry thought. Then turned back to Hermione who was giggling.

On the other hand Ginny was trying to dissimulate her worried expression. She turned to Harry and said "Can we have a little talk?"

Harry nodded at her question but before he looked at Hermione who had a wide smirk on her lips saying 'I definitely know this little talks' Hermione then looked at Ginny and lifted her eyebrows twice and whispered to her ear "Have a delightful little talk, sweetheart." Hermione didn't even bother turning back to them when she saw George staring at her. She ran and hugged him. As she let go of him she saw Percy has just stood up from the sofa and turn to Hermione. He pulled her in a tight hug. Percy let go of her and stared at her a few moments before kissing her cheek. She and he have been more close lately but there was something Percy knew that was definitely going to make Hermione sad.

He knew that Ron was cheating on her but couldn't tell her because when he asked Ron how dare he could do something like that to her. Especially to Hermione, he begged for some time then he would tell him by himself. He knew that he shouldn't have kept that secret from Hermione but it would be more accurate if Ron tells her that. So he just kept being silence but he couldn't hold it anymore. If Ron wasn't going to tell her today he will. He was in deep thoughts until Hermione started shaking him and calling his name.

"Are you okay, Percy?" she waited for him to answer. "Percy, is there something wrong?" Hermione asked once again this time more worried.

"Yes... Everything is fine... At least for now." he muttered the last few words so she couldn't notice.

Hermione turned to the others and hugged them. She was looking for Ron in every hug from their shoulder but she couldn't see him. She was getting curious every single second.

___Ginny and Harry___

After Hermione left Ginny started giving Harry lots of worried, nervous, angry, anxious and some other unreadable expressions. Ginny didn't know what to say. She was like she saw a ghost. Well it was half true. Because she saw Pansy Bloody Parkinson at the Burrow and it was worse than seeing a ghost actually. What was Parkinson doing here? She had lots of question marks in her head but before she could lose her control she decided to piece together some words and try to say something. She opened her mouth and close it back for sever times. At last she said "Parkinson... Ron... Room... Burrow... Worried... Hermione... Cheating" the last word was the knife that stabbed into both of them... Harry couldn't believe his ears. Ron was cheating on Hermione with none other than Parkinson. And not only taht, she had even dated Malfoy. Well more like she forced him to... After a few minutes staring at eachother they had a very big realization. They had to warn or maybe just stop Hermione before seeing them if they were- Ugh. But when they got inside it was too late. Hermione was already on her way to his room...


Hermione was going up the stairs a little worried but still happy that she will se Ron and she thought that he would never do something like that to her. However, it wasn't like what she thought she would see. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw both Ron and Pansy on their bed. She didn't know what to do so she just did what had come to her mind first. She started with a yell "Ronald Weasley! What do you think you're doing? You brat, idiot, bloody cheater! Who do you think you are? You! You!" Words couldn't even escape from her lips anymore. When she wanted to take a few steps through the stairs to run away, she felt dizzy then everything went black but before she felt some hands holding her. She heard some noises but then she couldn't feel or hear anything...

AN/ Hello everyone... I know this was more like chapter one but I'll still call it a prologue.😂😂. Well I hope you liked it...

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Love u all💙

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