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Worry had set in. Joyce hadn't answered, and Hopper hadn't picked up either. She was beginning to wonder what their next move would be, she doubted that they would check Mike out of the hospital this soon, and without being his legal guardian there was no way he could be discharged with her. She wasn't comfortable leaving him here on his own, but she also knew that she should find out as much as she could.

While she was lost in thought, she didn't notice the car pull up to the front door of the emergency vehicle entrance, and 3 boys and a young girl come racing in. She was standing by the pay phone, some what out of sight and she heard a gasping pre-pubescent voice.

"Mike Wheeler, what room number is he in?"

She strutted around the corner and met eyes with Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Max.

"NANCY! Wheres Mike?!?!" Dustin yelled

"Follow me, I'll take you back there" Nancy signaled to the front desk worker that they were with her, and she nodded at her. As they approached the room Dustin kept blabbering about the night before in detail "Hold on, hold on, you guys he's pretty worn out, just be calm when you go in and see him"

"Yeah I bet he's not too worn out to be sucking face with El in there!" Dustin grinned as he said it.

Nancy rolled her eyes, teenage boys she thought to herself.

As they opened the door, they saw something they didn't expect. Mike, asleep with Eleven in the hospital bed. As much of a dork her little brother was, Nancy couldn't help but think about how cute they were together. The doctor had obviously come by and checked his vitals by gauging the chart on the hospital door. She almost felt bad for a minute, knowing the boys and Max were going to interrupt this moment of peace.

"MIKE YOU'RE OKAY!" Dustin screamed as the party walked over to collectively hug Mike, sweeping El up into the group hug as well.


Mike had barely any time to register what was going on, he was sleeping really well with El laying her head in the crook of his neck, and he wished for a moment that he was still asleep.

"Hey guys, it's really good to see you all" Mike began to speak more but Lucas quickly cut him off

"See us? You should've seen you! You were all like, oh El, no! and then you ran up and hit Billy in the head and you saved El and, and-" Lucas was speaking too fast for his mind to keep up.

"Lucas, shut up!" Max snapped at him, Mike couldn't tell if it was because of the Billy comment, or him making fun of saving El, either way, he felt awkward making eye contact with her. "How are you guys doing? Sorry to bother you, we didn't really mean to barge in here like this" she continued, looking over at El.

"I've got my favorite person here keeping me company" Mike said back. He noticed that El hadn't spoken much, and wondered if she was okay. She didn't appear to be having any thoughts at all, but she didn't let go of Mike's hand the entire time. He began to feel like she was being overly clingy because he had almost died...which was cool with him. Hey, he didn't risk his life for just anyone.

"Gross, enough with all that mushy stuff" Dustin said, "we brought you some candy! and Will brought some movies we can put in the hospital VHS up there!"

A movie did sound nice, the more Mike thought about it, but maybe he would save that for some alone time with El.

"Have you guys heard anything from Joyce or Hopper? Nancy tried them earlier but couldn't get ahold of them"

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