The Storm and The Boy

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A/N: Yo yo yo, it's been like 6 months if anyone still reads this I'll finish the story. Shout out to unknown7957584 for staying on me about this, they're really nice and have good stories so check her (I think her) out. 


A storm was raging outside of the hotel window, flashes of lightning streaked across the sky, while thunder boomed like the sound of drums. The rain was coming down hard, and when all three could be heard at once it made for a beautiful melody. El awoke to the sound of thunder, she felt Mike's body against her back, and could feel his breathing slowly going in and out. As she wriggled her way out of his grasp, he seemingly awoke for a second, only to fall back asleep.

She got up, at first to close the blinds on the window, as the storm raged on the lightning had picked up and the flashes started to keep her awake. Every flash would illuminate the field that separated the tree line and the motel, like a strobe light from the Lab.

The Lab, she thought. Just thinking about it caused her skin to go cold, goosebumps popping up along her arms. El realized that she had been staring out the window, absent minded while lost in her own thoughts of the lab. Right as she went to close the blinds another flash shot through the sky, and for a moment she thought she saw it again.

It was...A person?

No... a boy, maybe?

The thought caused her almost as much unease as The Lab, and as quickly as the flash had come it was gone, and the figure was out of her sight. Had she even been sure it was a figure? Eleven decided to close the blinds and walk back towards the bed. As she got back into bed she gently shook Mike's shoulder, and to her surprise he awoke, though slightly startled.

"What time is it?" he groaned, seeming slightly annoyed by being woken up when it was still dark out.

"Mike get up, I think something's wrong" she began to feel more and more uneasy, her stomach churning

Where was this panic coming from?

She began shaking him more and more, until finally he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked sleepily, not detecting the urgency in her voice

"Mike something just feels off, I thought..." she trailed off, "I thought I saw someone outside, outside of the motel."

"I'm sure it was just a trick of the light El, do you hear that storm out there? It's raining cats and dogs, no one would be out there in this kind of weather" Mike said.

"What if it's him? What if Papa found us?" she said quietly not understanding some of the phrases he had just used, "Mike, I'm serious something doesn't feel right."

"Don't be silly El, we are still a ways away from Fort Wayne, there's nothing to worry abou-" Mike was saying, before he was abruptly cut off by his walkie talkie crackling and screeching on the table next to him. Mike shot up and turned off his walkie, and flipped on the light, and at that exact moment there was a crashing sound in the hallway. As he put on his rain coat and walked towards the door he noticed something strange, the room began to get hotter.

In a flash of light, the doorknob combusted, causing the door swing open. Mike stepped back, shielding El from the door and whatever was on the other side. He didn't have time to think about what it was, but whatever or whoever it was he wasn't going to let it anywhere near El. Mike could feel her start to ready herself behind him when a boy appeared, he was an inch or two shorter than Mike with dirty brown hair, and clothes that were soaked from the storm. He had bright red eyes and was decently built for his size, he could've played for Hawkins High Football team and nobody would've questioned it.

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