chapter 8

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The next day Loki and I were walking back to the training room, and I was looking forward practice despite the fact that I had an open wound from the day before.

"if you hadn't used teleportation I would have won, you know. " His pathetic attempt at a conversation just highlighted his weakness. It's not like I would ever lose to a child. But, i did have to be nice if i was going to fit in.

So I smiled. "Really? I'm afraid that I have to disagree with you on that one."

He laughed, and replied "everyone is talking about it. Thor is never going to let me live this down. "

" speaking of Thor, has he realised that I am a girl yet? "

" Luckily not, or the teasing would be worse. " Something about his face tells me that there had been a similar event not too long ago.

" I don't see how it makes a difference. A good fighter is a good fighter. "

" it's funny, he wants to be a valkyrie but he won't listen when I tell him that they are all women. And he scorns Sif when she comes to train, she really won't give up. You should be glad that he thinks you're a boy. " Maybe I should just pretend to be one again. I'll try dressing like one tomorrow and see if anyone notices.

We entered the training room and I saw that everyone was using battle axes. Real ones. Beside me Loki groaned.

" Today is Tyr's day. Each week someone gets to choose which weapon we use, and after lunch we have a tournament. Just pick a small one and you'll be fine " we headed over to the weapons rack that had been set up, and was featuring a large variety of heavy axes.

Having spent years fending for myself I was proficient in most weapons, and know the best way to defend against axes. While they are not my favourite weapon I have used them before, but have never seen them used against each other. I took his advice and chose the smallest one.

A bell rang and the others gathered in the center of the room. A guy who looked suspiciously like a commentator started to speak. " Warriors in training! Today on this Tyr's day we welcome back from Vanaheim the three friends of Thor our magnificent prince. Give it up for Fandral, Hogun, aaand Volstagg! "

The mob started to go wild as I wondered why the wording had made it sound like Thor was the only prince... and magnificent was a word better used to describe someone who did not give off the impression of blundering oaf.

The three warriors and Thor had paired up and most of the other trainees had followed suit. I looked down at my axe and willed the handle and blade to elongate until it was almost scythe-like. They never said that it had to be a conventional axe and there would never be a time that I couldn't modify something so simple.

I walked up to Loki after noticing that once again everyone seemed to be ignoring him. Maybe because they knew better than to fight him.

" You modified it again. That kind of goes against the point. " the look he gave me showed that he approved.

" I would think that it is still quite sharp. " I twirled the blade and embedded it in the ground next to his foot before he could react.

He brought his axe up but I could see that he was struggling. He was not strong like Thor. This was not his style.

We took a few steps away from each other and I assessed him once again, he was not doing well. I ran at him, and swung. He brought his blade up to meet mine but the impact threw him back and he dropped his weapon. It was really quite unimpressive.

Loki muttered something about catching up on books and walked off looking embarrassed leaving me to find another partner. The others that were waiting were acting wary of me and didn't seem keen to fight, which suited me. I could watch the others and assess their capabilities without giving anything away.

Thor was in the center again, taking on multiple opponents as he wildly swung his axe. It almost looked like he had no idea what he was doing,  but each move was carefully calculated.

I was beginning to understand the people's love for him, he was the perfect warrior. His skill in battle was just as impressive as Loki's talent for magic. I could scarcely believe that he was only eight years old.

At this rate the decision for king would be purely based on what type of leader Odin thought was best. I had no doubt that he would choose wrong...

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