chapter 4

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I twirled around in my new room. It had taken some time but it was finally perfect. The first thing I had done was to charm the door. No one could enter without alerting me and no one could read any of my books.I had moved the large poster bed to the corner and added an extra table under the window. The bookshelves had been moved to a corner along with a rug and a few pillows to make a sort of den, and as a final touch I moved the door to the wall adjacent to the window.

Footsteps reached the door and I looked through it to find Loki. I waved it open and he stepped in, clearly amazed.

" How did you move the door? " such a pathetic question.

" Magic. " I would have thought it was obvious. He probably knew that much and wanted more explanation than that. Oh well, a magician can never reveal her secrets.

" Well, dinner is in ten minutes and you don't know the way so unfortunately I am going to have to drag you away from your room and show you. "

" Ok. " I doubted that I would be allowed anywhere near the royal table. For a good reason, I thought as I felt my dagger.

I walked alongside him down some stairs and through yet more halls. I would never get to know my way around this place. After a while we could hear the rowdy shouting of drunk men.

Again I made note of all the routes and potential exits, and observed the lack of fire doors. This place would burn fast if you could get it to light. Which you probably couldn't as it was solid gold but whatever.

We walked past the rows of tables, passing the servants and soldiers and then the nobles until we were at the last one. That was a lot of people to kill if things went awry.

" hey, Loki. Don't I sit somewhere else? " closer to the exit meant a faster one.

" you're my friend, you can sit wherever I want you to. Fandral sits with us all the time so I don't see why you can't. " You can't argue with that I thought as I sat down on his left.

" Brother! Who is your friend? He has nice hair! " Well, he certainly had enthusiasm. And I didn't look like a girl, most assumed I was a boy. But Loki hadn't. Had I been feminine today? I didn't think so.

" This is Rak, and she is staying with us. " Loki emphasised the ' she ' slightly, correcting his brother in such a subtle way that no one would notice.

" I can't wait to best him in training! Are you good with swords? " He turned to me mid sentence. Perhaps too subtle. It didn't matter though as I switched gender when I felt like it, and something told me that it would be too much hassle to correct him each time.

" I prefer knives. And books. " Loki hid a smile that showed that he did too. It was a cute smile. But I doubted that he was as skilled as I was. Thor nodded, and turned back to his father.

I began to dig in, testing the food and mead for potions as I picked it up. Unsurprisingly everything was pure but you could never be too safe. No one noticed the food that vanished off the plates as I moved them to my room for later.

The rest of the dinner passed in a blur, boringly simple conversations and extravagant meals. I was admiring the happy buzz of the diners and reading into every discussion. When things started to drag on at one table I simply focused on another.

I found out that there was an unusually small number of injuries that week and that the head healer was having an affair with a captain. Just the usual gossip unfortunately. I memorised the pattern on the ceiling and the type of goblets used for each course. I learnt that Thor had more three friends that didn't get along with Loki. Fools.

Afterwards I walked with the princes back to our chambers and bid them goodnight. Then I took full advantage of the luxurious bathroom that I had been provided with, enjoying the use of shampoo after so long on the run. Here, no one wanted to find me. They had no idea who I was. Except maybe Frigga. And Odin. But Heimdall couldn't see me so I was Ok.


Third person POV

Heimdall watched the feast as he always did, listening to the conversations. He did not miss the empty seat, nor the princes talking to the empty chair. Afterwards he saw them wave goodnight to no one outside an unoccupied chamber, and he frowned.

Hi! yea this is short but no one is reading so its not like the next five chapters or so will be out before you find this one. ahahah I am fine. life is good.

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