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The bold words are sorta important. I'm not sure if you read the end part of the summary, but I'll add it in again: 

This is a Mob Psycho 100 fanfic! It's starring Mob x Reigen, so please don't hesitate to click away if you don't like it. I did cut the age gap in half, from 14 to 7 years apart, since I understand some people get upset at that kind of stuff. But the age gap is a quarter of the story, lol.

It's kind of a self-indulgent story. It's cross-posted on AO3 (like always). There isn't going to be anything overly explicit content. Writing this kinda made me feel like I was committing a crime, since you know. But lmao, whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll update about once a week or so, hopefully. If you're still willing to read this story, continue on, and I hope you like it :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the background drawing of the cover. Let me know if you know the artist (since I gotta follow them all platforms, dang, they're good, lol).

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