Chapter 1

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"I love you."

Like the other three times, Reigen merely nodded and sipped his coffee. He didn't look up until he finished typing out the email addressed to today's newest client. Mob stood in front of his cheap wooden desk the entire time, patiently waiting for his master's answer. When Reigen finally hit send after what felt like hours of nervous silence between them, he took a deep breath and straightened. It took a moment for him to meet his disciple's eyes. Like the other three times, the young boy looked the same as he ever did, with that rather mundane expression on his face and not a hint of emotion in his eyes.

Reigen forced a grin to stretch across his cheeks. "Thank you, Mob, I know I'm wonderful," he joked, hoping desperately that the boy would take the hint. For a breathtaking second, Reigen thought in slight horror that Mob was finally going to say something other than nodding meekly and stay quiet.

But Mob just leniently bowed his head as he usually did. Invisible rocks that Reigen didn't notice were sitting heavily on his shoulders rose and chipped away. Just from that small gesture, the tense atmosphere was almost gone, and would completely vanish by tomorrow. It would be long gone until next year, the week before Mob's birthday.

Mob was sixteen now, almost seventeen, and so close to becoming an adult that it made Reigen want to look away from the growing boy. Soon, he wouldn't be a boy anymore and Reigen would have to refer to him as a man. A full-grown adult. The once small, fragile boy replaced by a person Reigen didn't recognize, even though he had seen Mob almost every day for the past few years. Mob had changed. No, he really hadn't, not really. Mob just looked a little different now. Inside, the boy was still as kind and compassionate as ever, never wavering even knowing how much his psychic abilities could do to the world.

The Body-Improvement Club definitely played its roll in Mob's sudden growth. Mob wasn't nearly as buff as the other members, but his noodle arms were no more. Besides that, his height made up for all the muscle he lacked in comparison to the rest of the club. Reigen used to look down to his disciple, but now, it was changed, reversed, the other way around. He had to look up. He could see Mob's insipid eyes under his thick, dark bangs. Mob had several inches against him. Reigen would measure to find the exact height difference if not for the fact that it made him kind of want to punch a wall. Just the thought of it made his eyelid twitch in annoyance.

He was happy that Mob finally achieved the goal that he joined the Body-Improvement Club for. And it was a help to Reigen's business as well, from all the girls that chased after his disciple.

"Anyway, Mob, we have a new client who wants us to check out her house," Reigen said casually. Just like that, the awkward silence that hung in the air began to recede out the open window behind him. "Do you think you have time today?"

Mob opened his mouth and then hurriedly closed it. Reigen waited as he pulled out his phone to check the time. It was doubtful that Mob could stay any longer, with the way that the sky outside was steadily darkening. But to his surprise, Mob nodded. "What are we going, shishou?"

"You sure you want to go now?" Reigen hedged. He hadn't actually meant for his student to accept the invitation. The topic of clients had just been an excuse to rid the tone of the room of its discomfort. "You're in high school, right?"

Obviously. Mob didn't comment on the suspicious question, just nodded.

"Don't you have..." Reigen hesitated. What did high schoolers do? It's been a while since he was last in school. He was getting old. "Homework?" He tried.

"Ritsu helped me finish it yesterday," Mob replied softly, beginning to click the buttons on his mobile phone.

Reigen glanced at his watch. "Wouldn't your parents be worried if you didn't get home before dark? Even Serizawa went back an hour ago."

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