Chapter 4

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"It's really snowing cats and dogs out here," Reigen remarked, pressing his face against the window and squinting through the dark.

Mob could see all the way from where he sat on the couch chair that fragments of white were still teeming from the sky. "I think it's raining cats and dogs, shishou," he said softly.

"Same thing," Reigen replied in a light tone, shooting Shigeo a glance for the first time in the last ten minutes.

Mob looked down, brushing one foot over the other. Reigen was one of those people who kept spare things in his office. His master had given him a change of clothing. They were new, never worn before. The distinct smell of new fabric bought straight from the store still lingered, despite being previously washed and stashed away for years. Mob tugged at the bottom of the white collared shirt he now wore. It was a few sizes too small. Their size difference was glaringly obvious. So was the way that his master avoided looking at his body.

At first, Mob thought in hopeful delight that maybe Reigen-san was embarrassed to see his student in his own clothes. But after a few moments of his boss's jaw twitching, Shigeo realized that Reigen was probably thinking about how he was outsized by somebody who was seven years younger than him.

Reigen scanned the weather outside one more time before heaving a sigh before walking to the couch opposite of his disciple and taking a seat. It was pretty obvious that Reigen wouldn't be letting him walk back home in conditions like this. Mob shivered to think about sleeping in the same room as his master. He just tried not to think about it.

"Where's Dimple?" Reigen asked.

Shigeo almost frowned. Why did Reigen-san care about where the green aura was now? Dimple was just a stray spirit who thought of himself as a living thing and yet he still managed to make Mob jealous over the pettiest things. "He said he was looking around for possible people to possess for the next time you need an extra pair of hands in the office."

"That little ball of ego pretends to be god, but I guess deep down he's a softie, huh?" Reigen mused with a laugh.

Before Mob could reply, Reigen pulled out his phone. "It's past midnight," he said with a tired yawn. "Do you have homework to do? Actually, you know what? Sleep is more important. You look exhausted, did you know that? Have you been sleeping properly? You kids should be sleeping for ten hours a night." Reigen raised an eyebrow at Mob. "Say something, Mob."

"I'm sleeping okay," Shigeo said.

Reigen looked a little skeptical but shrugged. Mob watched as Reigen rolled his shoulders. His master locked his fingers together and raised his arms to stretch. He couldn't help it when his eyes trailed down for a complete sweep of his shishou's body. For all these years that Shigeo's known Reigen-san, his master hadn't changed in the slightest. All these years, he wore the same suit with the same tie every day, with occasional clothing changes that had always looked so Reigen. His dark eyes never faltered, and his messy blond hair looked like an exact replica from the first time Mob laid eyes on the person who would come to be his most precious treasure.

And his face. As Reigen stalked around his office, muttering under his breath, Mob continued staring. Shigeo wondered why his boss didn't have a girlfriend with how attractive he was. Well, he did have to consider the crude faces his master made every now and then. And the odd way he would react to certain things. Plus the fact that he was a manipulative con artist.

But despite all that, Mob still wanted to take Reigen's face in his hands and press their lips together.

Reigen suddenly stopped pacing and grabbed Shigeo's coat off a hanger. "Hope you don't catch a cold," he said, marching over to his student dumping the large, heavy jacket onto Mob's lap. Reigen tussled his hair and grinned. "You look pretty strong, yeah? I couldn't believe it, but I guess Body-Improvement Club actually helped. Sorry, I don't have any blankets. I'm sure you'll be fine, Mob."

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