christmas, maybe (one-shot)

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A/N: Merry Christmas guys!! I hope you guys have had an amazing day so far, I know I have! This is my Christmas gift from me to you, so please enjoy! Stay safe, stay warm, and as always,

until next time,

mj <3

**This exists OUTSIDE the main book's plotline.**


IT WAS FINALLY THAT TIME OF year, when Christmas bells echoed in everyone's ears, holiday tunes were hummed and scents of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air. The ground was covered with fresh snowfall, the white snowflakes glittering in the sunlight. Malls were flooded with hundreds of people, each one shopping for the best Christmas gifts for their loved ones. 

Kairi Cosentino, was in fact one of those people, perusing the numerous stores at his local mall, searching for the perfect gift for his mother. He wanted to give her something special, a token of his love, because she was one of his strongest supporters. She stood by his side through thick and thin, the bounds of her love never ceasing to amaze him. Love was something that was not easily repaid through money, but Kairi hoped that he could express his extreme gratitude through the gift.

Kairi browsed many stores, spending at least an hour in each, trying to find the perfect gift but it was to no avail. He didn't want to leave the mall empty-handed though, the thought not sitting well with him. But Kairi was beginning to lose hope, slowly coming to the realization that his gift would not be any set object. He walked into the last store in the mall, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. To say he was not bummed that he wouldn't find a perfect gift for his mother would be a lie, and Kairi had to come to terms with that.

As the boy walked through the store, Kairi's eyes scanned the shelves, nothing standing out to him at all, much like the previous stores he had been in. It was all the same - fake jewelry, overpriced clothing, fruit-scented perfumes - there was nothing special. Kairi wished with all of his heart that there was something, but there wasn't and he would have to be okay with that. But Kairi was quickly running out of both time and gift ideas.

As Kairi entered the last aisle, he found himself in the card section. There were rows upon rows of cards, each filled with superficial messages ranging from birthdays to anniversaries. Kairi normally wouldn't have stopped in this isle for as long as he did, but growing desperate he had decided to, hoping to find a card that at least sounded half-genuine. 

And as he had expected, nothing caught his eye. Everything seemed too fake - until Kairi found himself at the end of the aisle, standing in front of a card set.

It was beautiful, really. Inside a clear, plastic box was a set of handpainted cards, each with a unique piece of work ranging from floral decor to copies of famous paintings. Although Kairi couldn't see all of the cards' designs, he could tell that they were extremely well done and painted with care just from the card facing toward him. It was a miniature replica of Van Gogh's Starry Night, and to say Kairi fell in love with it would be an understatement. 

Even though a card was not what Kairi was imagining he'd get, the wheels in his head quickly began turning. He was going to write a note to his mother with these cards, telling her exactly why she mattered so much to him. Kairi had never gotten a chance to really show his mother how much he loved her, and even though he was pretty sure she knew, it was always nice to give her a reminder. Kairi figured that, although it was a small gift, a thoughtful handwritten note from a loved one was just as good as a bought present. The card itself was also gorgeous, so Kairi was confident that his mother would appreciate it.

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